Friday, October 28, 2011

16 years... we can drive now!

16 years of marriage today....

I remember turning 16 & being excited about getting my drivers license.

What's exciting about 16 years of marriage?

...we havent killed each other?

seems comparable :)

I loved my dress!  When I watch "Say Yes to the Dress" - I look at them all & still think, "Mine is prettier" - that's saying something 16 years later.

You cant see it there, but the back has all those buttons up it with a hole in the center of the back... & the front has a sheer neck with pearls around the neckline ... & tuxedo cuffs on the end with big pearl "buttons" holding the cuff together... it was stunning...

There's a better look at it....

& by the way, my wedding day was the smallest I ever was... you'll never see me this tiny again.  But I have proof that one day, a long 16 years ago, I once had a small waist :)

We loved our wedding cake too... our colors were black & white... & this was before black & white was chic.  My grandmother had a fit knowing my bridesmaids were wearing black... TO A WEDDING?  & black flowers on a CAKE?  in the end though, she even agreed it was beautiful... even with her black icing lips :)

16 years ago...

where does the time go?

I guess if we've made it this long, we can make it another 16 :)  We're at least shooting for 21... the anniversary where we can legally drink.

(Our first dance song - "Never Thought" -Dan Hill)


  1. Happy Anniversary!
    I love that song. If I were a girl, I'd be balling right now.
    Listen, that dress is totally stunning! And being from 1995, you could have totally screwed that up, big-time! Thank you for having taste. I would have hated to pretended to like it. You make it easy for me.
    I'm sorry that I didn't make your wedding. I was at my Friend Lauren's wedding that very same day. But if you ever re-enact those vows, I'll be there, with camera!
    Congratulations on 16 years together.
    Your Friend, m.

  2. Happy anniversary! You guys looked great - LOVE the dress! I love my dress too - it was exactly what I wanted (if a little bigger in the train department than I thought I'd go).

    Hey - this year is OUR 21st! Can't wait to remind Mike that we can legally drink this year!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Rebecca Jo! Now, remember, wear your seat belt at all times, don't talk on the phone when driving, and don't let anyone else drive the car. :)

    Here's to many more!

    (And I agree. Your dress was lovely!!)

  4. Ok, so WOW!! I was really hoping you would post some pictures of your wedding. I LOVE your dress lady! In fact, it is timeless. I could see that dress being worn today. Beautiful!

    And that song... I haven't heard it for so long, but love it!!


    Have a Blessed weekend,

  5. Happy 16 years! And to many many more! You made a stunning bride and yes your dress is gorgeous!

  6. aw congrats lady!! you look gorgeous and i absolutely LOVE your wedding dress.

  7. Happy Anniversary! So glad you guys can drive now:) Just 5 more years 'til you can drink - unless you both enlist in the military. Then you in 2 years you can drink on base:) And -YES - your dress is beautiful!!!

  8. Your dress was GORGEOUS!!!! Happy Anniversary!


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