Every day this week - & for the rest of the week ahead, a chance of rain...
No leaving the windows down to help with the summer heat.... you'll walk out to a car full of wet leather.
Its getting on my nerves because I prefer to run outside. Love my treadmill, but since my neuropathy episode last year, the treadmill makes my feet feel like they are on fire if I'm on it for a long period of time, or running. Walking, it does OK... running? Might as well have a match to the bottom of my feet.
Plus, I'm a nature girl anyways. Love to look at the sky, the clouds, the dogs running to jump on me... always keeping my eyes open for those dang snakes...
So when it rains, I'm on my phone & my weather app. There has to be a break in there somewhere... & I try to take advantage of it.
Yesterday, I made dinner early so my belly would be good for a later run. I get my clothes on, lace up my shoes & what do I hear? Thunder... great....
Ricky & I sat on the front porch watching it downpour... I mean DOWNPOUR...
I don't mind running in rain... it actually is refreshing on hot summer days. Its like a natural cooling system... but downpours with thunder & lightning? Not smart... I thought I was destined for the "dreadmill"
Actually, it just makes me feel like AHHHHHH on a hot humid day I think steam comes off of my body when it rains on me on a summer's day |
But wait... it's slowing down... then stopped. I pulled out my weather app & see there is a small area of clear before another storm rolled through. I didn't waste any time... I grabbed my iPod, my watch & high-fived Ricky & I'm headed out.
I get to my turn around point & the sky is actually staying clear... the sun even peeked through a bit... but as I turn around, I see Ricky's truck right there...
I asked him what he was doing & he said, "Your phone's weather alert went off & they said a storm is getting ready to hit again"....
Right then, the sky was still OK, no rain... which at this point, I wouldn't have minded a good wash off...
I told Ricky that I was fine, he could go home... but he said, "Nah, I'll stay here in case it rains on you & you need to get in"...
I didn't mind the company....
Being on a country road, after the rush hour of 5-6 of everyone getting home from work, there's virtually no one on the road, so Ricky just kept the truck at 5 mph & stuck next to me with the window down, chatting it up, encouraging me, pushing me along...
I ended up making it home ... but it wasn't 2 minutes that we were in the house & BOOM... down pour galore...I mean constant hard rain for the next hour...
We just had to laugh...
I told Ricky that God must have had an umbrella over top of me while I was out there...
(This doesn't really have anything to do with this post... I just love it though... totally me & Ricky) |
& then I was looking at the rain & thinking that if it did start raining, I had a place to jump into for protection. Ricky was there with his truck. It really was a comfort to have him right beside me the whole time I'm running. Even though I didn't jump in at the time, just knowing he was there was a sense of relief. It let me enjoy my run - it let me look around & focus on things other then "MUST GET HOME BEFORE RAIN"...
The rest of the night, while it was raining & I was looking out of the window, I just felt a sense of protection... a sense of being loved...
I realized once again of my amazing husband who loves me, looks out for me & wants to keep me safe ... or in his words, "you'll slide on the wet road & break your ankle"... he knows me...
But I just felt a sense of peace of the reminder that God is always right beside me as I'm running this road of life. Right beside me, hanging out of the window cheering me on, easing my mind so I can focus on other things, giving me a place of protection should I need it...
Yep... my muscles got worked out from the run, but at the end of the night, my soul was the one that was lighter...
"And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age"
~Matthew 28:20
What a great post! Your hubby must be a really sweet man. Love that he followed you all the way and encouraged you too.
ReplyDeleteGod is just like that, isn't He?
Awww, that Ricky is such a keeper! CH would've let me get wet! :)