We got this, right?
This was such a nice weekend... Mother Nature gave us a beautiful break & I got lots accomplished. I feel like I'm coming out of this weekend with a blue ribbon.
Friday started off my weekend living like a single lady!
Ricky had gone to Lexington with his coworker - its like an annual tradition for them - to see one of the first UK games. They leave right after work, so I'm on my own.
I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee & some God talk but she ended up getting held over in nursing school - so our plans had to be changed.
I had to take some running shoes back that hurt my feet & then with planned canceled, I ended up going to Hobby Lobby. It's a whole different experience when you know you dont have to be rushed & no one is expecting you home.
I ended up spending over an hour looking at their planners & planner accessories.
My work sister has me so interested in Happy Planners since you can make them exactly how you want, & I'm 1000% intrigued. Hence, the hour spent looking at planners & getting my wheels turning.
I didnt get a Happy Planner.... then.... but did come away with some more Planner stickers & 2 bullet journals.
I love my bullet journals to use as sort of a diary/journal. These are really nice too because they lay flat & have the dot grid papers in them. I really never knew that they had these before. With 40% off, I had to get two.
I ended up getting home around 8:30 & then was like, now what? ... I snuggled in bed & got caught up on some shows that were DVR'ed... & then just wanted to go to sleep with The Hubs not here.
Saturday, I woke up in time for another sunrise. I especially made sure to wake up early because The Hubs had to work & since I didnt get to see him all Friday, I wanted to see him Saturday morning. So we wished him a quick work day & me & the Aussies sat on the front porch. I brought my bible study out with me to read & the dogs were all intrigued about a deer they had seen run through our front yard to our neighbors yard.
It was a GLORIOUS sunrise....
It was just the perfect day. The temps were nice & the weather was crisp...
so I did a few errands around the house - did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen, & then took some time to Bible Journal....
I wasn't going to let this day pass by for me - or the horses - so I went over & let them out early & then I went to the local park to challenge myself. Got in a 5k. It was so slow... SOOOO SLOWWWWW.... but I did it. It's really crazy to think how runnings & getting miles in every weekend / every day - was a thing for me. & now, I'm struggling to get 3.1 miles. But it's a good wake up call for me. & I'm on a mission now & it started with this past week.
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The most gorgeous place for a 5k |
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One of the campers setting up... you an't see all the decorations past the tree & the stuff on the ground. Skeletons & gravestones |
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Out of shape - but made it!!! |
I got home to finally have The Hubs home with me... & then I was back to work. I was on a mission. GET.THE.GARAGE.CLEAN!!!!!
Ever since I got my new car, I wanted to get it in where its nice & warm. I have had to scrap my windows twice this past week & I'm not down for that. Waiting to warm up & ice all over the car? Nope. Dont like that one bit. #spoiled
A bad storm is coming in today too so I was really on a mission because who wants their new car dinged up with storms? Not me.
I worked all afternoon to get my car loaded. We had visions of a yard sale this year. I had some good stuff out there. Shoes that were never wore - a brand new purse never used - Men's Levi jeans that Ricky barely wore - some kitchen appliances that were maybe used once, if at all... but who has time for a yard sale. I'd rather have the space & take a tax write off - so to the Goodwill it all went. Locals - go check it out because there's a LOT of brand new stuff we just took up there!
Ricky rode with me to take one of the loads up to drop off & then we went to grab some supper....
We hadn't had Penn Station in forever... their fries are the best. Between those & their lemonade, I'm a happy girl.
We stopped & did some shopping looking for a doggie bed for Bruno - a new fluffy one for his 19 year old bones....
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Found these dog toys too & wanted to get theme for our dogs from their daddy the #1 KISS fan |
We got home & I just could not go to sleep. I ended up catching up on Grey's Anatomy & The Good Place & Single Parents. Needless to say, I was up till nearly 1am... which ironically, Ricky said he woke up at 1:30am. We had been like ships crossing in the night all weekend long apparently.
Sunday, I guess not falling asleep till so late, I missed my sunrise. I woke up with the sun peeking through my windows on my face. 8am. Havent done that in the longest!!!!
I had to hurry up & get ready for church & loaded up the 2nd batch of Goodwill stuff & then ran to let the horses out super early so they could enjoy the beautiful day too.
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Our daddy is saying hi to Baby here :) |
Off to church... we hadn't had HSM small group in 2 weeks for Fall break so it was great seeing all my girls again. It was like the first day of small group too because they were all gabby & chatty & giggly... it was super fun being with them.
It was really cool because our sound system was down at church (that part isn't cool) - but with no loud mics & no amps, we had to worship acoustic style - like REAL acoustic style. All you could really hear was just the sound of all the voices around.. it was just so special to me. I love in those moments to sit & listen for a little bit. It gave me all the campfire singing feels.
I headed out after to go do some more Planner shopping... hello Joann's & Michael's... & hello all the Happy Planner sales. I got some good stuff. I'll share in our next Planner post!!!
Dropped off the Goodwill load, got some lunch for The Hubs & I & then look what I was able to do....
ALL THE HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home Dorothy to the warmth of the garage!!!
Me & mom went to the store & I had to put the horses up & then it was home to finally - FINALLLLLY - relax for a hot second... & gear up for the week ahead.
Lots happening this week too with Bible Study & Ernie's last agility class & library trips planned. That'll make the week zoom by - I'm sure!
How was your weekend?
Do you do yard sales or just donate things?
Have you ever used The Happy Planner?
I had a great weekend at home...still waiting on Tim's truck to be fixed.
ReplyDeleteI used to do yard sales, but for several years now the pay off hasn't justified all the time and work so I mostly donate.
I have Happy Planners. I have a bigger one for home, a mini for my purse, and a recipe one! Love them all, but I don't get all creative and fancy with the mini. It's the one I just kind of scribble in so I know what's what.
Dorothy looks good in her new home. I need to do the same at my house. lol
ReplyDeleteCrazy how we both walked a 5k on Friday. I'm registered to do the Pumpkin Run 5k on this coming Saturday. It had been awhile since I had done one, so I wanted to check if I could even do it. Well, I did it, so now it all depends on the weather. Last year it had rained so much before and the fields were a mud pit. So as long as it stays dry, I'll probably do it. But if there's much rain, then NO WAY! That was terrible last year. In fact, I went home and threw away my shoes and my pants because there was just too much mud to even deal with. lol I'm hoping to walk another 1 or 2 5k's this week in the evenings to see how it goes. Besides even if I don't do the Pumpkin Run, I still need to get back to my walking. I just feel better when I do it.
Well, I'm a week into my gratitude journal (I just used an old notebook thing I have.) If I can keep up with it for a couple more weeks, then I think I'll treat myself to a new journal while I'm on vacation.
Have a great day!
I've often thought about creating my own planner just how I like it so it's cool to know that Happy Planners already does that! I'd spend just as long looking at planner accessories! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteThat looks like beautiful weather on the weekend! Congrats on that 5k, it looks like you picked a beautiful area for it :)
ReplyDeleteLoved the weather this weekend! I worked at a water stop for the Urban Bourbon and while I had a blast, I wasn't expecting my arms and back to hurt when it was done. I guess holding out small cups of water for runners to grab for more than 3 hours would do that. :) Congrats on the 5k!! I need to do a yard sale - since the tax laws changed, yard sale is 1st choice for me since I don't have enough to donate for a tax deduction. I usually keep things for 2 sale attempts - box them up for storage after the first one, box them up to donate after the 2nd.
ReplyDeleteI've said this before, but you have the most beautiful view from your porch! Good for you for getting that 5k in. That certainly is a lovely park to run or walk through!
ReplyDeleteSo do you use a planner AND a bullet journal or are they the same thing?
I just love your planner! I always want to do something fun with mine, but it always becomes a blanket thing of notes and tasks for the day - nothing fun haha I should really do something better though! Also, amazing for you doing that 5k! Great job! In terms of donations, well, I'm of two schools of thought. With clothes, I usually donate because I know someone needs things more than I do. With items, I'll usually auction them on the military page because people can dictate how much they can/are willing to pay.
ReplyDeleteThe garage looks great! What a good feeling! A beautiful sunrise is just so good for the soul and so was a 5K, you go girl! I hope your week is fabulous and you get some quality time with your Mr.!
ReplyDeleteWOW! You got so much done - I am exhausted!!! That sunset is amazing! Your horses are absolutely beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteYou had a great weekend!!! Those are the best. Love the Bible journaling you did. I am thinking about investing in one of those, and for my girls too.
ReplyDeleteI am SO proud of you for getting outside on this gorgeous weekend and getting some walking/running in! It was beautiful here, too, and I walked three miles without pushing myself...just to get some much needed fresh air! Hope your Monday was Awesome!
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I love more all that great fall color or the fact that you can park in the garage!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe just donate things. Looks like that you had a wonderful weekend. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteSo a Happy Planner is a real thing and not just something you call it? I need to know more. I had a Life Planner or something like that this year and I just didn't take advantage of all it had to offer. Keep thinking I am going to get my act together but year after year...not so much.
ReplyDeleteStamped your white horses. They are so pretty!!
Yay YOU for running/jogging/power walking but completing a 5K. I have signed up for a 5K on Thanksgiving but need to get back to running more beforehand. I can usually manage to run a 5K even when I haven't been 'training' but with the trouble I have had with my leg, I don't want to chance it. PC is in a blue funk, though, and doesn't want to go to the gym. We have to get back to working out.
It is a real treat to go to Hobby Lobby and not be rushed, isn't it? Paul is very patient but he doesn't understand browsing in Hobby Lobby. Browsing in Nike, yes.
Glad you enjoyed your acoustic music service and being back with your girls.
Sounds like you had a good weekend getting things done!
ReplyDeleteI use the Happy Planner and love it! Oh, and I must be living under a rock because I had no clue they carry bullet journals. I’ve been following bullet journaling on Instagram, Pinterest and Tik Tok now and I am so curious! I think I want to start it. How long have you been bullet journaling? There are so many different styles and formats and it’s quite overwhelming in the beginning. I guess you just have to find what works for you, right? Curious how you use yours! Swooning over that gorgeous sunrise! Your horses are beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteGood for you on the 5k!! And on the garage! I haven't parked in a garage in 6 years :)
ReplyDeleteI love Happy Planner!! I have so many of their stickers. They can add up fast so I always buy them when they're half off at Joann's. Half off means I can buy more...or at least that's what I tell myself.