I honestly feel like I'm in some weird some of time warp.
I mean, I KNOW its Christmas season. It's everywhere... movies on Netflix.... Christmas specials where everyone is singing carols... I have a tree in the corner of my room that is lit up all the time & packages on my porch that delivery people are dropping off at a rapid pace (God Bless all the delivery people!!!!) .... But it just doesnt feel like Christmas to me. It feels so strange. I guess because here we are, fully into December & another weekend we really didnt go out Christmas shopping in stores. Feels so weird.
Saturday, I was up early because The Hubs had to work which means I'm up with him. I dont know why when he works the weekend that I can't sleep in. I saw him off & then made me a hot cup of coffee & crawled back in bed to catch up watching The Amazing Race. I had a big furry baby with me that loves when I stay in bed. Harvey Dent is our snuggly dog. He would lay ALL DAY LONG in your lap, on you, near you - as long as you have a hand on him, he's a happy boy.
I got up & went over & let mom's cats out for awhile & loved on the horse & cleaned up around the barn for a little bit. It was freezing cold, but move around for a bit, & it wasn't that cold at all.
I got home & was able to clean the house some. I always do my best cleaning when The Hubs works. Honestly - its weird how it works. Maybe its the June Cleaver in me that wants him to come home to a clean house on Saturday. Why I dont care Monday - Friday, I dont know....
I ended up having to run my mom's purse down to the rehab center she's at & picked some lunch up for us on my way home... & saw that Burger King had a sign up for a new cold brew. I figured I would give it a try. I mean, I did a lot before 1pm & this is a TREAT YO SELF season / year ... & it was pretty decent. SUPER sweet. But a yummy treat. Luckily, it had so much ice in it, it didnt have a lot of coffee in it - which was OK because again - SWEETORAMA!
I had some sewing to do because some coworkers of The Hubs asked for some UL masks for gifts. I hadnt used my sewing machine in a few weeks so I literally had to stop & rethink how to make these. That's bad.
We had a pretty lazy Saturday after that. We played some Yahtzee, played with the dogs, had some phone calls with the rehab center mom is in, & then watched a Christmas movie together.
The Hubs was tired from working & went to bed pretty early so I just stayed snuggled on the couch since we had a space heater in there making it nice & cozy. & I ended up watching Pride & Prejudice.... again....
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The Hubs MAY have been asleep before he even got off the couch |
Sunday, nothing exciting happened... again....
I watched our church service online & love we're in our Christmas series for the year.
& then we decided we needed to pick some stuff up at Target. We wanted to get down there before the crowds kicked in so we went down fairly early - around 10:30am. It was still fairly crowded but nothing like I saw the parking lot on Saturday when I had to take mom's purse down to her. Gives me all the anxiety. I should have done some Christmas shopping while I had the chance, but the toy aisles were really crowded & it gives me anxiety on a good day - but when people are squeezing by each other during a pandemic... nope - I just wanted to grab the things I needed & get out of there.
We picked up some lunch at Q'Doba & got home & Harvey Dent was ready for a afternoon snuggle / nap time.
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Told you he was our snuggly baby |
I turned on Disney+ & ended up watching this....
It was so cute. I did some real big belly laughs on this one & totally surprised at how fun it was. I mean, Steve Carrell & Jennifer Gardner... how could it go wrong? A great family movie to watch.
We went back over & took care of mom's cats & the horses & got home in time to settle in for another week. A week I really gotta start thinking about gifts for people & get to ordering it. I dont think I'll get a lot of them if I dont order soon - I'm hearing shipping is really struggling now. Heck - I dont even know when I'm going to see people for Christmas anyways. I dont know how this is going to work this year.... sigh.... what a year, what a year.
How was your weekend?
What's a movie you watched recently that you found surprisingly good?
Are you shopping a lot online this year?
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