1. "A daughter's a daughter all her life, but a son's a son til he takes a wife." What say you? Elaborate.
I mean, do I think women are more of the glue of a family - usually. Not always - but its that maternal instinct, right? I've seen families fall apart with the matriarch's pass away. Women are glue.
But I dont think a son isnt a son after he is married. I think its all your family dynamics. I know plenty of families where the son's wife is now their daughter - its more to the family - not a loss.
Family dynamics is everything.
2. Something you've seen recently that was 'cuter than a June bug'?
I mean, I live with 4 dogs... everything they do is cute. Well, MOST things they do is cute. I have a picture of Ozzie falling asleep with his head on Hubby's shoulder - who was sitting on the floor - & who also was asleep. Hubby would most definitely kill me if I posted a picture of him sleeping - but its precious.
I'll just post this latest pic of our old aussie for now as a verified pic that cuteness rules my world.
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This big boy totally considers himself to be an itty bitty lap dog... at all 85 lbs of his cute self |
3. 'You can't buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream and that's pretty much the same thing.' Agree or disagree? Last time you had a serving of happiness ice cream? Dish-cone-milkshake-sundae...which one do you choose?
....meeehhhh... ice cream doesnt really do it for me. I'll MAYBE do a soft serve, but I still want it covered in some sort of syrup. It usually upsets my stomach... & it kills my uber-sensitive teeth.
Now, yarn or planners/stickers as happiness... let's talk about THAT!
4. What is one way/area in which you're currently 'swimming against the tide'?
WhoooOOOooOOO Girl - want to sit down for a few hours & have this conversation? Being a Christian & having most of my friends have Christian views - the past few years, I feel like I have swam against the tide big time. More like swimming against the Monsoon!
You do realize, you can love God & believe in Jesus & STILL feel like guns need stronger regulations (what 18 year old NEEDS an automatic weapon???) - believe in science, & believe choice is a necessity for anyone, especially woman - & even more, NOT be a Republican. When did a political stance represent your Christian beliefs? ... I dont get it. I always like to remind people, Billy Graham was a Democrat.
5. Three things you're looking forward to this summer?
1. Reading outside
2. All the light evenings (though the time starts going backwards in 2 weeks - WAAAHHHH!!!!)
3. Less traffic with school being out.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm gonna need people to go to more of these little libraries that are around town/in neighborhoods. I have been dropping some of my books into them & they are always so full. I dont know if people know to take advantage of these.
& if you have a young child or grandchild - I mean, ALL THE BOOKS!!!! All the ones I've been to - they are crammed full of kids books. Take advantage!
Sincerely, your friendly PSA of the day
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One of my local ones I dropped some books off Look at how crammed that thing is! |
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