Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Little updates

 Hi all!

So what's the latest? Still in lots of pain... but I did get a new steroid shot in my arm - which has given me a SMIDGEN of relief.  But of course, if you know me, you know I dont get anything without it having some sort of effect. 

This time around, this cortisone shot has messed ME UPPP!!! My blood pressure has been high, I've been sweating buckets, my neuropathy has been flared up - I pretty much thought I was having a heart attack 20 times.  yeahhhh - I'm not sure I'll do that shot again.

I just need surgery to fix this arm. Just fix me people! No more band aids please.

But, while my arm is giving me a little break, I figure I'll do some little posts.

Like i've mentioned, my blog is for memory sake more than anything... so you may just see quick little posts documenting thoughts, my days, pictures, just simple things. ... talk about OLD school blogging!

I wont be hosting Thankful Thursday still because I dont know what a day will hold for me & Jen is doing fantastic at it - & if anyone wants to step in & help her as I think she is going to take a break soon too - please feel free to step in. You can reach out to Jen or send me a message & I can connect you! 

Some weekend highlights

* we almost got ANOTHER Aussie this weekend. My SIL tagged me on FB about an 18 month aussie that needed a home. She is GORGEOUS! We messaged about her & there was one other person ahead of us that reached out & they were coming to see her that day - they were going to message us if they didnt take her.... apparently they did. That's OK.  Glad she got a new home

* & Speaking of dogs... this big boy turned 9 this past week! 9!!! I cant believe it. 

* It feels like the world is melting. My goodness, its been horrible. & to think the worst of summer lays ahead in August. 

* A deer took its anger out on Hubby!  Ran right into the side of his truck... This is the truck that gets washed & waxed & cleaned every weekend to keep it in tip top shape. Ironically, Hubby's car was broken down the day before so he had to drive his truck to work & this happened.  Talk about bad timing!

* If you dont follow my Planner Instagram account, I am now getting to rep 2 planners & the cutest sticker company - check out the bars at the top of the blog for links if this is your thing.

* We got to celebrate my MIL's birthday last weekend!  Always fun to see the whole gang & play some games & catch up on the latest

* I got teary eyed at the trailer for the new Black Panther. #WakandaForever

* ..... & just file this under the "why women live longer than men"

I mean... there are 3 dogs that run without giving a care whats in their path that run in this yard.  Sure... this is a brilliant ahead. Wonder why I have gray hair?

* finally, we had a visit from our Nashville gang a few weeks back - just in time to go to a parade where it RAINED popcorn. Seriously. We had so much fun experiencing this Popcorn Festival in a local town near us.

Also note - right after this... this family got to go through covid AGAIN! This is the 3rd time for Julie! What in the WORLD! Geez. Gear up for the school year folks - its gonna roll hard again.

Tell me the latest with you since I've been MIA - what have I missed?

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