Coming in a day late for a weekend re-cap - but hey... at least its a post!
This is one big reason why I havent been blogging - mainly because my life has made a turn that puts me in left field of the BORING.
Since not doing photography any more & since my youth kids have all graduated & moved on & I'm not in Youth Ministry after 20 years of working with kids ... & basically since Covid of 2020, I'm just a lazy bum - sticking with my dogs & books.
There's my weekend - Bye y'all!
... nah... I'll dig in deeper to my boredom with highlights - just for you!
Miss Zoe
Thursday night, we got a little concerned. Zoe didnt want to eat. She'll do that every now & then - but we could just tell she wasn't feeling good. Friday, I work from home, & we made her an egg. Her absolute favorite! ... & she didnt want to eat it. UH OH... Then we started breaking out everything bad for her. & she wouldnt eat one bite.
She went to the restroom & her belly was revolting too... it was bad. & we got VERY VERY concerned. I basically held her all night Friday in a blanket & wrapped her up. I went to the store & got her some chicken & she did nipple on it - that was 48 hours since she had previously ate.
Saturday, she still looked like she felt bad. & she still didnt want eggs. But we had some chicken left over & she started eating it a little better.
By Saturday night - she was starting to eat more... & by Sunday, she was back to eating normally. WHEW! Scared us to death! ... I dont know what happened. If she just got something bad to eat?
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Our little Muppet |
I mean, I know - she's like the Queen. Why were we shocked when a woman in her late 90's passes away?... Zoe is now 17 years old!!! Its like we should prepare ourselves that any day could be the turn for her... but we're used to Bruno making it to 20. Our Pandora made it to 18 as a big Aussie... we just expect our dogs to make it long spans!
But today is a new day & she's still going at it - so we'll take good days with her every chance we can.
Finished one book
Friday night, sitting outside with Zoe, I ended up finishing this book.
The Measure - its about the world one day waking up & everyone over the age of 22 having a box. Inside that box is a string - which tells you how long the measure of your life is. & you watch as basically the world deconstructs... hey - is this fiction or non-fiction?
It was OK for me. Most people LOVE this book... I really loved the first half & it fell flat the last half for me. I wanted more. But still enjoyed it. I gave it ***3 stars.
Started a new book
I had stopped at the library to pick up a book I had on hold... & saw this & grabbed it. I love this author & I am so into this book. I got half way through & wish I were home right now to finish it up!
Baked a Cake
Hubby was wanting something sweet & since everything in the Bakery at the grocery is grossly overpriced right now - I told him to pick something & I'd bake it. I made just a basic white cake with chocolate icing - & he seemed to enjoy it. I dont know what I did wrong - it tasted strange to me. Like I used too much oil or something? I dont know. More cake for Hubby though.
Did my first Obe class
I have been looking for a new workout to do at home. I'm so totally over Beachbody since most of their programs either 1. dont have music - or 2. their music is so cheesy... I NEED music. I love my Les Mills that I've been doing for awhile but I just wanted something new.
You have to Cast this to your TV, which I thought, nope - I'm not tech savvy for this - but got it set up & did 3 classes already. I think I'm going to enjoy it - especially doing those live classes with others - just made it fun waiting for my name to be shout out on the screen!
Tried watching Jurassic Park
... but that was a nope for me. I'm sorry - I know - I KNOW - they're not real. DINOSAURS ARE NOT REAL... but I cant handle when animals are hurt - even in books & movies. I wont watch a movie with animals because you just know there's going to be something tragic happen. So when the first 5 minutes, poachers are taking sweet dinosaurs to kill for their bones... nope - outta here. Aint doing it. Where's DINO PETA when you need them?
Fighting the Ground Hornets
& speaking of hurting animals....They have taken over! & Hubby has been in a battle now for nearly 2 weeks. This week, things got serious. He has burned their home - got their nest out.... but yet, they keep coming back!!! He keeps burning more & more of the grass... & now the ground hornets have moved to ANOTHER big hole.. so we've had 2 firepits going.... & yet, they STILL are surviving. Its really bizarre! They're like little robots that just wont go away! Hubby has gotten stung a few times already! They're going to remember his face! ... I keep reminding him, its nature- he's invading THEIR space. Its a battle between the two... or I should say a battle between Hubby & a few hundred stinging warriors.
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This used to be beautiful grass... & now is a huge eye sore... full of swarming stinging creatures! |
& that's the most exciting stuff... dont be jealous!
What's your favorite thing to bake?
What do you do for a workout?
Did you watch the last Jurassic Park?
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