So how did my Monday go?
One good thing! We found out the answer to mom's pain. They found out she has a fracture into her lower back. OUCHHHH!!!! ... & the fracture, the location, is also pushing on her sciatic nerve which is why she's having pain run down her leg too. So this one may take a little bit to heal over. The physical therapist couldnt believe the hospital didnt put her in a back brace immediately - especially on transport to the rehab center. I totally get hospitals are overwhelmed right now - but WOW! But I guess this is why they ask people to do what they can to stay healthy so hospitals aren't overran with patients. Its scary to think of bigger, more serious cases (heart attacks / strokes) that come into the hospital & can get lesser attention.
I'll never in my lifetime forget last December when I had that TIA & that's when the halls were lines with the "VID patients.... They took my vitals & ran a bunch of tests for like the first 30 minutes... & then no one - NO ONE... came in my room for nearly 6 hrs. My monitors weren't hooked up because they popped off when I was trying to get comfortable ... & no one came to check those either. There I was all alone, having a mini stroke & no one checked on me. I think about that now & I cry because that's just sad.. & terrifying. I thank God every day I was healthy enough to get through it.
Anyway - that took a dark turn.... we're glad at least now they have answers for mom & they can start working with her on getting stronger & healthier!
Weather: This is where the winter depression sinks in. Yesterday, it was just gray. Like the grayest gray you could imagine. Drizzly. Cold. Just the word "DEPRESSION" in weather form. & we're supposed to be like this for awhile. No sunshine. No warmth. Just the perfect atmosphere for any horror movie you'd ever watch. Add in that it was totally pitch dark by 5:30pm.... & I'm just counting down. 15 more days! We start turning the clocks around to start getting a minute more sunlight.
That I'm excited about one minute more of light... that just describes perfectly how deep this hole of darkness is.
Watching: Why do I love all the cooking shows during the Holidays? I'm catching up on the Holiday Baking Championship on Food Network....
& can we say, Jessie Palmer is having a GREAT year - isn't he? Still doing the Baking show gig as well as all the Bachelor franchise shows! Good for you Jessie Palmer!
I also love when it gets closer to Christmas Day, I start the binging of the Great British Baking Show ... & love the Holiday little version they do too.
I'm just always in awe that these people know these recipes & have all the knowledge of baking them in their heads. How do they remember all that?
I get Hello Fresh & basically get the same 10 meals over & over & I'm still like.... STEP 1.... read & re-read. & then reread it again.. & measure 3 times before using any ingredient.
But these people are like, sure, let me whip up 20 different cakes, pies, cookies - no problem! Oh, you want me to add in a distant, long forgotten spice that no one has ever tasted - I have just the recipe for that!
Its insane to me.
& I just added a roll of cookie dough onto my grocery order for my holiday baking.
Arrived at my door:
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Also got some of these...
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Ricky fills up cups of tea for his drive to work & basically, our cabinet has no cups anymore. All gone. He'll eventually clean out his car every 3 months & bring them all in & they're so tea stained & gross - toss them. I got these because they're cheap enough & I can replace these easily & still match. But COME ON MAN!
Hint - we've ordered some disposable cups for him for future use.
OVEN UPDATE: ... So Home Depot is replacing my oven! Not any issues at all. Now, granted, it wont be here until some time in January - but its OK. They told me to keep using this scratched up oven & I'm good with that! Learning how the "What Not to do's" on this one since I get a fresh new one in a month! Thanks Home Depot!
& let's end the day on funny... because again - dark, gloomy, winter
Hope you have a great day!!!!
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