Happy Thursday everyone!
Still trying to get the feel of this thing again... & FYI, I do have the link up for Thankful Thursday at the bottom. The precious Jennifer is still hosting & sending me the link up code so I'll still be sharing my days / feelings / thinking & of COURSE there will be some gratitude on there - so I feel great about adding the code onto the bottom of the post. Hope it makes it easier for some of you to link up with us. & as always, a huge thank you & gratitude for Jen for carrying on the Thankful Thursday torch.
How was Wednesday?
Weather....Well, we're still in a gray hazy funk. I'm pretty sure my back yard is now a pond... my dogs are going nuts not being able to run. I need an indoor dog park. Is there such a thing? Did I just think of a Shark Tank idea?
& we're moving on from gray & hazy to COLD, gray & hazy. Our highs this weekend will be in the 30's. Just keep twisting the knife Mother Nature... just keep twisting it.
Feeling... Y'all. A coworker messaged me & asked if I knew who tWitchwas... & then told me the news of what happened to him. I seriously have felt this to my soul. I have watched him since SYTYCD days & thought he was amazing. I've loved watching his career just blossom... & was SO super stoked when he & Allison, also from SYTYCD & DWTS got together & got married & had the cutest little babies ever. & if you dont know what are those letters stand for, you may not understand the obsession over tWitch. But I'm sure so many know him from Ellen.
I literally follow everything he & Allison post. On all platforms. They just always bring JOY. The smiles they have - the love they have for one another & their family. It just seems unreal.
A friend of mine posted that it feels like when Robin Williams took his life. The people that are smiles, happiness, JOY BRINGERS... I read a tweet that said sometimes its the Joy-Bringers who carry the heaviest burden & no where to lay them. Oh my gosh... I'm in tears again.
I love Jen Hatmaker so much - she's like my writing #goals... here's her post about it...its worth the read.
OK - lets try & change the mood...
Something I AM thankful for.... My blogging friend Brianna & I have a shared obsession with all things stationary & pens. We get each other when it comes to this. She posts any new pen or marker or highlighter shes ordered -I'm right behind her. So when she sent me a package of ALL the planner glory, I seriously jumped like a kid on Christmas morning opening it up.
Look at all this Erin Condren beautifulness. Ricky even wanted the planner with Darth Vader on it! That cover is so soft & has such a texture do it too. Its just cool.
& there's a READING LOG! I had no idea Erin Condren had that! It says its for Kids, but there's nothing "kid" about it except the word KID on the front page. It has so many pages for book reviews & I love there's a blank page after each one that has for "thoughts, quotes or doodles about the book"... This baby will be put to good use FOR SURE!
Thanks again Bri for gifting all this -you know its going to be well loved!
Speaking of planners- I still need to post all my planners I have for 2023 I've purchased & needing to narrow it down. & do you know, I ordered ANOTHER planner today? OMG... I need help. Is there a clinic I can check into for planner addiction - because its nuts how much of an issue this is!
Loving... we have a coworker that is just so amazing in her thinking on doing fun things in the office. For the past few years, for the holidays, she hides a gnome & who ever finds it, she has a basket of goodies you can pick from. How fun is that? ... Granted, I'm always the loser of the office in finding it. I always say it shows me I need to get up & move more. I get up from my desk like 3-4 times a day I think. That's sad.
But she brought in all the stuff for us to make our own Gnomes this year. She thought of everything... the socks, the beards, decorations to put on them - the little wooden ball for the noses (big & small)... even a hot glue gun, which I havent used one of those since the early 90's I think! All of our desks have our own individual gnomes now. Every office needs these people that make a work day better!
Eating... This may look weird, but it was decent. Different... but yummy. It's a Tex-Mex Cauliflower Bowl.
Roast some Cauliflower with some Tex-Mex seasoning - cook up some onions & green pepper on the stove - put over rice & add in this pineapple & onion salsa that is covered in lime juice. It's supposed to have cilantro - not a fan though. Ricky was like, um... what's this..but he didnt even hate it!
Package arriving... I now cant sleep until my glass top stove is spotless. & let me tell you - its a JOB. I'm buffing it better than I ever did my car - which is just WONDERFUL with two injured arms! UGH! I've been looking at all the products too to help with the fog, the streaks, the grit. Enter this sponge. I've learned you cant use just ANY sponge & even paper towel can scratch your glass - this sponge though... I AM LOVING! I've already ordered another one to keep on standby.
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Hope you all have a great Thursday!
& wish our floor in the office good luck! We're having a decorating contest between floors & our floor is so candy covered cute! I'll take pictures & post later. Fingers cross we win!
Did you ever watch tWitch dance?
Are you using a planner for 2023?
What do you use to keep your oven glass top clean?
& mostly - what are you Thankful for this week?
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