Is anyone else in a sort of denial that Christmas is coming? & that its CLOSE?
I have not bought one gift - its sort of putting my anxiety on a level 11 out of 10 but I'm seriously not in the mood this year.
Want to know how much I'm not in the mood...I JUST got my tree decorated on Friday.
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unlit... but you can see the Disney ornaments & all the fun "inserts" on it that fill up space |
& I usually have it up & the house decorated by Thanksgiving. This year? I dont know why... it just doesnt feel... time.
I am happy to have my tree up though & enjoying the early morning coffee by it & soaking in the soft glow in the early Black Hole evenings.
What did I do on my day off on Friday?.... well, nothing really exciting. I had my doctor's appointment on Friday to get all my meds refilled for the year. Yep - me, the one who hates medicine. That's what a mini-stroke will do for you. Give you a list of meds to take. I'm going to make that a goal for 2023 to try & get off of all of them.
I had to take a minute to run into our new Joann's since it is walking distance from my doctor's office. They moved into a new building & have more space. I had to check it out.... & nearly teared up at this wall....
Seriously - the power of advertising was working its magic on me. Here I am, a woman with such bad pain in my arm, I nearly cry every evening & can't do any repetitive motions in it or I'm down for the count for days. & seeing this wall, made me want to buy it all & pull out all the knitting needles.
I had a come to Jesus moment & thought... not now... but someday soon. Maybe another goal for 2023?
I then went & spent my afternoon with mom. They're still working with her - & really keeping her off her feet. Its a weird combo... they want her off her feet- but then physical therapy makes her walk a lot & use her legs...but then wont let her out of the bed. Maybe its for her safety more than anything since she's a fall risk with the leg pain.
But look at her room that my brother decorated for her for the Holidays.
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Cute little Christmas tree!!! |
We're wondering if mom will be home for Christmas.... right now, its not looking like it. Whatever makes her the healthiest.
What am I reading: I finished up this book Thursday - The Christmas Cupid. It is cute enough. Its about a young lady whose boyfriend breaks up with her right before Christmas - & she ends up dying on Christmas Eve...only to be given the chance to come back to earth, at the beginning of December & she has to set up 6 couples to fall in love - & if she's successful, she gets another chance at life.
Its cute... had its moments where I really laughed. A fun Holiday read... but it did aggravate me how toxic the relationship Zoe was in & how she was blind do it. & I wish it was a few amount of couples she had to fix up - but its a quick Holiday read. I think it may be free - or like 99 cents on Kindle. HERES the link if interested. I gave it *** / 3 stars.
I'm also still reading some easy, fun kids books for the Christmas Reading Advent & have read some really cute ones. This one though... may be a personal favorite.
What I ate... Tis the season to not count any calories & give any cares. All the back on track eating & workouts start in 3 weeks... I blame Ricky too. He came home with a dozen Krispy Kreme one night & we had some chocolate glaze for breakfast. Well, I had 2... he had the rest. & the unfair thing is, I probably gained 5 lbs for it & he probably lost 5 lbs from carrying the box inside. I still say, Jack Sprat's story has nothing on us.
I also learned to put pumpkin spice in my coffee creamer & froth it up. Why have I never learned this before? I saw it on TikTok & thought it was incredible & I equally felt dumb for never thinking of it myself. I may drink it every day throughout the holidays since it gives such a warm feeling.
Speaking of pumpkin - I also made some pumpkin cookies. Tiktok for the win again!
Its literally a can of pumpkin - a box of Spice Cake mix... & that's it. I added in dark chocolate chips... just scoop out on a cookie dish & cook on 325 for 20 (25?) minutes... that's it. Someone took cream cheese icing & melted it & poured over top too -I bet that would be amazing. They're obviously "cake like" but so good!!!!
What did I watch....
I finished Dead To Me.... & was so ticked off! I didnt like the turn for this season. & cried my eyes out too hard at the end - but the VERY last scene? The way it went off... I may have screamed. I was NOT a fan of this last season. I dont want to spoil anything for those still watching - but NO! NO! NO!
I also watched that cute little move on Netflix with Freddie Prinze Jr. - so predictable - so Holiday - so enjoyable. Give me a cheesy Christmas song & I'm here for it.
It drove me nuts that I could NOT for the life of me figure out who the female lead was - what I had seen her in before. OMG - that's Ella from Lucifer! I forgot she could sing! She did on that show too.
& yes, I watched Harry &Meghan.
Loving every bit of it too. I dont get why so many people hate them so much. You hear the pain in Harry's voice when he talks about his mom & hear how much trauma he STILL has with the media who is now chasing his wife & slamming her with every move she makes. & how people say they're trying to "take down the monarchy" - I didnt get that impression at all - I heard their hate against British Media.
There was a guy online I saw that said how the British Media posted a 16 page response to the documentary & was bashing Meghan so much. He said, "guys, you're sort of proving her point" on how they wont stop hating on her. Are they perfect -no - who is? But I just love Harry & I think Meghan makes him happy. I think Meghan is a beautiful, smart, strong woman. & can we talk about Archie? OMG - so stinkin' cute!!!!
I cant wait for the rest of it - & I also cant wait for his book to come out January 2nd. I have it preordered & will be running to my front door to grab it.
& to be fair - I also equally love William & Kate. I always say I'm from the Princess Di days. I love those boys so much & rooting them both on. I think Di would be proud of Harry for his choice of wife & bucking the "institutions" rules.
I could chat & discuss all things Royal for hours. Where's my tea?
....I have a lot of other stuff to share - ALL THE PLANNERS for 2023...but I'll do a post later in the week for that.
... to end, I mentioned cheesy Christmas songs. If you havent heard this yet -its so funny - & catchy!!!! I turn on the new Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special just to listen to this.
Hope you had a great weekend!
Are you doing good on your Holiday shopping?
What's an easy no brainer recipie you use for the Holidays?
Do you love Harry & Meghan?
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