Thursday, January 12, 2017

Coffe, Yarn & Belle... sounds like everything up my alley!! {Thankful Thursday #106}

Image result for grateful chalk art

This week I am Thankful for:
{The numbers go with my One Thousand Gifts Journal / just ignore them}

17 / New knitting needles.  Amazon for the win!  I have been needing some 16' knitting needles which isn't something easily found in most stores unless you go to a knitting store - & found them on Amazon! YES!  Already cranked out a hat on these babies.

18 / Oil Change finding critters home.  I am so glad I stopped to get my oil changed before our drive down to Nashville. They popped open the hood & guy gasped & said, "OH MY LORD"... & then started to pull out all kinds of stuffing.  Pulled out my air filter & it was pretty much a pile of purple stuffing & then they couldnt put a new one in because it was so full of stuffing. The guy said, "You had a critter that had a condo in here"... But he told me it was a good thing I came in when I did because it was cutting off all the flow in the engine.  I can just imagine doing a long drive & having car issues. WHEW!  Good timing.

21 / Fast headbands. I found out I can crank one of these babies out in less than an hour. Nice to know.

Image may contain: 1 person, hat and closeup

24 / Happy Belle Mail.  I loved getting this canvas in the mail from a friend. Its already got the most perfect spot in my camera/knitting/Beauty & the beast room... in other words - MY ROOM

Instant day made when I get this in my mail. I am so blessed to know the most amazing people. ❤ thank you so much @jenjgill ... I already have the perfect home for it in my room . . . . #IamBelle #beautyandthebeast #happymail #farawayfriends #belle #daymade:

25 / Nashville trip. Always thankful for a safe trip .. & one I didnt pee on myself on the drive (See Monday's post if you're confused)

26 / Luke turns 7 years old.  I can't believe it.

28 / Free Stuff at Panera.  We left a 6am Nashville time on Sunday to make it back in time for church & I have to eat not too long after waking up or I can't function. I get light headed & blood sugar levels drop.  So we knew of a Panera just when you get back into Kentucky from Tennessee & stopped.  We pulled in & they were closed ... I thought they opened at 5:30 - but that's only on the week days. The manager told us they open at 7 & it was 6:55 so she told us to come on in.  She was just the nicest lady.  It was great we stopped there too because I had SO MANY REWARDS on my Panera card.  We got a free bagel, I got money off my breakfast sandwich & I got a free drink for Ricky.  When we were leaving, I said I needed a coffee for the road since we still had over 2 hours to go.  I went to order & that same manager gave me a cup & told me to just take it & go.  I told her I'd pay & she said she wished me a great day & a safe trip & to enjoy. How nice is that? Good people can totally make a day brighter.


30 / MSM back in session!! I have missed these girls something fierce. Excited to start 2017 with them & finish out the school year.

Rebecca Jo Vincent (@rebeccajoknits) • Instagram photos and videos:

31 / Finally got over freezing temps. We had some FRIGID temps for about 4 days in a row. When it finally hit 33 for a high on Monday, it felt like a heat wave.

33 / FREE YARN!!!  Ricky got me a $100 gift card for yarn for my birthday so it made it heavenly to walk in & pick whatever yarn I wanted & to know I wasn't going to drop any money walking out.  When he gave it to me, he said, "It'll take you forever to spend this"... to which I laughed... & I have already have a balance of $70.00 left after having the card for 2 weeks... yeah. Its going to go fast. Guaranteed.

Bought for different projects but the colors look so pretty together too 🐑 #yarnaddict #knittersofinstagram #rebeccajoknits:

What are you thankful for this week?

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand


  1. Yarn is fun to pick out. I was checking it out, thinking about learning to knit... one day. That is awesome that you got such a good deal at Panera. I love when people are nice for no reason. I love your headbands. I would wear it to keep my ears toasty.

  2. That sounds like me with a giftcard to ULTA or Sephora--I can spend that baby in no time!!

  3. We love Panera! I'm having lunch with my lunch-bunch tomorrow (Friday). The soups are the best! Shopping with gift cards is so much fun! I'm thankful for by blogging friends!!

  4. YAY for free Panera! How nice. :) And it's 60 degrees in Pittsburgh today so I'm definitely thankful for this short heatwave.. maybe!

  5. least your 'nester' decorated with purple!! lol Glad it was discovered before you were on the road. Our temps are 78-80*...certainly not the normal for winter! Enjoyed reading about all your 'thankfuls.'

  6. I think I would die living anywhere else in the country where it's cold and snowy! Here in southern CA we've been getting so much rain the past week and it's in the 50's... I can't handle it!

  7. I am not very fast when I make those headbands. Takes me a lot more than an hour. Of course, it could be because I keep getting sidetracked.

  8. The Belle canvas is gorgeous and so you. And YES to good people. They truly make a difference. Hehe. Ricky is silly. The gift card is the sweetest gift but it won't last long. Silly man!

  9. FREE STUFF FTW!!! I love free stuff.

    I wish we lived closer so you could teach me to knit. I'm pretty hopeless and my mom told me I'm a danger to myself and others when the knitting needles are in my hand but I feel like you could help me. Your talent is amazing!

  10. That $100 gift card is awesome! And yay to nice Panera people!! That's always an awesome surprise :) I love the Belle print!!

  11. That is awesome that the guy caught that in your filter, may have saved you a seriously expensive future car repair for sure, thank goodness for small miracles like that!
    Funny story that reminded me of, so one winter I took a trip and parked my car by a fence. When I returned about two weeks later, I started driving around and after a few days noticed a really bad smell coming out of the air vents. Well long story short, a critter had crawled up into my engine and made a nest to keep out of the snow and freezing temps. When I went to drive it, well the nest was in a bad spot and it killed said critter and well you know how great dead things smell after a few days. It took me months and lots and lots of lemons in the car. Because aside from taking the engine apart there was no other way to get to it and get it out, LOL It was so bad I was the only one in the winter driving with my windows open in the mornings, LOL I laugh now, but didnt for several weeks back then!!! So on the plus side at least the critter didn't die when you turned the car on too, LOL
    Also, what an awesome husband for the yarn gift card!!!!

  12. Free Panera is the best! That's crazy about your car! Thank goodness you caught it before it caused a major problem!

  13. Oh man, I'm craving a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera so bad right now. Free stuff is awesome!

  14. I love that head scarf. I wear them while walking my dog all the time.

  15. oooh yarn stores are so fun. We have one.. but I never go in.. because I always want the yarn and don't really knit. heheheh Oh well. Glad you got a gift card! Your happy mail is so cute & that is crazy about your car! But I'm glad that you got it checked out before it was too late! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things


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