Actually Friday was kind of laid back I had to do some grocery shopping & that's just never fun, doing all the putting up of stuff - which is the WORST!!!!
I went into Friday night with a plan of what I wanted to start making for my Etsy store.... & spent about 2 hours making something... & hated it. It wasnt turning out at all what I thought it was going to be like....
So took it all out. Sigh...
At least I got caught up on The Good Place & the Real Housewives of Jersey. The important things.
Saturday, I made sure to get up early because I had a lot to do... starting with getting the crock pot going to meal prep Bruno's food for the week. My crock pot has never been used more than in these past 3 weeks.
I honestly think Bruno's skin is getting better. Ricky doesnt see any difference. Maybe I'm just doing wishful thinking.... I told Ricky to still give it to the end of October to really see if this works. If anything, Bruno is totally enjoying fresh meat & veggies.
Ricky & I headed down to Target to get some things & he had to run to Home Depot to get his boy stuff... & I got home in time to take a shower, do my Bible study for the day & then it was time to run over to my brother's house to take the twins their birthday gifts.
TODAY is actually their birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TWINS!!! 13 years old... can you believe it?.... but they had a sleepover with their friends & was putting their new basketball court to use & I had gotten Madi a basketball that lights up to play at night... & figuring that would be a fun time for her to use, I took it over.... little did I know it was &going to storm all night & they couldnt play outside anyways. Oh well... its the thought, right?
But it was fun getting to play on the court. Did I even talk about that court yet? ... so my niece got this court put in from The Dream Factory as her wish as a child with a chronic illness. Here's the LINK to the news station clip they did on her....
Isnt it so amazing? & its already been put to great use already. Years of fun are going to be had on this baby.
I had to jet out from there to go pick up Ricky & we were heading out to pick up some dessert from the best place ever... the Homemade Pie Kitchen. I swear, I havent had anything there that I didnt think was amazing....
& then it was time for GAME NIGHT at our framily's house.
As soon as we walked in, one little girl was ALL ABOUT HER PAPPY! She had him in her room playing & then playing hide & seek & then doing it all over again... & even when there was no playing, she just wanted to be near him. So stinkin' cute.
She even whispered to him at one point, "I had the best day with you today Pappy"... oh my heart.
The kids knocked out for the night & we were able to bring out some games. It's funny because its a running joke that the boys are better than the girls & the girls know the truth on how we're better than the boys.
& once again, Chasity & I proved it... we won playing Password - our game of choice with couples - its a good brain game...
& then we pulled out a new game that we found on clearance at Target a few months back...
It was way more fun that we expected. You basically have to draw something on your forehead without seeing what the heck you are drawing.... we laughed so hard at times... & its amazing what you THINK you're drawing & what you actually see on the board at the end.
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This is actually BED - & yes, I actually got it |
We ended up getting home around 11:30 after driving through an AWFUL storm... & then I had to still package up Bruno's food from the crock pot. Plus, I was just hyped up from laughing so hard & then stressed from driving in that storm.... I ended up not going to bed till 1:30. Yikes.
Sunday came REALLLLY early.... & then it was time to head to MSM.
It was a great day because I was able to speak on the panel with some amazing ladies... we got to talk about what we felt like in middle school we were called, or named.... but the truth of that situation when we know who we are in God. Like, how being in middle school can make you feel unworthy, or insecure or unwanted... & when you see the truth of our creation in God, we are so worthy, so secure in our being & completely wanted. It's all putting that truth of God in our heart to rely on it instead of what others may call you or make you believe. Good stuff.
I left from MSM & had to go pick up knitting needles... totally a must... it really was. I have a commission piece I gotta start that I cant find my needles for...
& then it was time to drive up to celebrate our friend's new baby that is coming in January.
SO EXCITED about this baby. & just loved getting to celebrate with her family. Her momma is one of my most precious friends I have in my life & I loved getting to just wrap my arms around her & hug on her..... I dont get to see her as often as I want, but my love for my friend never falters one bit.
Plus, she's my knitting & crochet hero. Seriously... she's like GOALS.
Here's a Harry Potter Sorting Hat she made for the baby... SERIOUSLY CUTE!!!!
& I didnt get a picture, but she made an amazing YODA hat too. This baby is going to be decked in cuteness.
I left from there & got home around 5 & the cutest welcome ever. Ricky came running to hug me & the dogs got all excited... they're not used to me being home so 'early' on Sunday. Our girls bible study is on fall break so getting home at 5 instead of 9 is a huge difference.
I ended up spending some time on my back porch taking in the rain & doing my bible study for the day & just breathing a little bit....
& then it was time to feed the dogs, get ready for work the next day & prep my calendar for a busy week ahead. It's WEDDING WEEK after all... I'm shooting a wedding next Saturday of one of my old youth kiddos & am just looking forward to spending the day with his incredible family. I love when I look forward to wedding days.....but it'll be a busy week & a even busier weekend ahead.... but we're nearing vacation.... counting down....
so close.
How was your weekend?
Do you hate putting up groceries too?
What's your favorite game night game?
That game of drawing things on your forehead sounds fun and scary. O_o I can't imagine what crazy thing I'd draw. Also, I absolutely love that Bruno gets to eat fresh veggies and meat! He sounds like such a blessed little dog.
ReplyDeleteLove how much she loves her Pappy :) So glad you had such a nice weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteThat game looks like a lot of fun! I hadn't heard of that one before. And I've been enjoying catching up on the Good Place too, it's an interesting show.
ReplyDeleteAww, "best day with you Pappy", so sweet! Woohoo...countdown to vacation ON!!
ReplyDeleteI do hate putting up groceries - it's been nice that Mike had to do it for me for the last five months. Ha!
ReplyDeleteThat game looks like a HOOT.
We just caught up on The Good Place last night :) What a sweet picture of pappy and his baby! Love it!
ReplyDeleteSo sweet how she loves her Pappy! :) What a fun weekend with family and friends! That Skribblehead game sounds hilarious!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to the Twins! What a cool basketball court!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that sorting hat!!! Oh my gosh, that is SO cute!!
"I had the best day with you today Pappy" That quote made me smile! How CUTE!!! My weekend post is up. It was a good one with plenty of down time too. You are just always SO busy! Hoping your vacation will be restful!!
ReplyDeleteYaaaasssss!! I hate putting up groceries! Yay for game night!
ReplyDeleteFull and great weekend!
ReplyDeleteThe pie place? Oh man, I could live there. Pie is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that it seems Bruno's skin is getting better.
We use to do game night often with my family. One of my favorites was Pictionary. I remember one time (now this was YEARS ago, I may have been in High school) and my aunt(who is not that much older than me) had to draw New Orleans. She drew a map of the United states and put a dot in totally the wrong place and I still guess New Orleans (even though it was no where close to where NOLA really is),,,,haha. Of course everyone was shocked and probably thought we cheated! It's stuff like that that makes game night so fun!
I see from that one picture of you on the back porch how wet it was there. I hope we get a good storm soon. We really need the rain. Our river is SO low. We've had some great weather for boating but nobody can get out on the water!
PS; that basketball court is amazing! I didn't realize your niece had a chronic illness. I am going to read that article now.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun weekend. Loving that basketball court. Happy birthday to the twins! I can't believe they are 13 years old.