but this wasn't just any weekend... it was a WEDDING WEEKEND.... & not just any wedding weekend....
It was a groom of one of my favorite families I've known for awhile now through church... & even better? The groom was one of my middle school kiddos at church. I've basically watched him grow up... which freaks me out & makes me feel very ancient.... but it's always, ALWAYS an honor to be a part of someone's wedding that I just really care for.
I have a few pictures of him from middle school events but this is the first one I found... this baby right here was a groom this weekend .... amazing
& I'm sure he loves that I still have middle school pictures from 2007. haha I'm nothing but a good photo horder. I can pull out some great old school pics.
These kids... The girl in the front in the black sweatshirt... I did her wedding a year ago!!! & I am basically in touch with everyone still ... & I still adore every single face here!!! Oh my heart. ... & of course, Ryan in the background - I still see him as a big kid too & here he is now a Sargent of a Firehouse - WOW! |
But anyways, you can imagine how busy my weekend was & I wouldnt have wanted it any other way.
Friday was the rehearsal & it went so smoothly & with total ease..
my only issue was getting home. Geez. I knew where I was at & thought I'd take a 'back way' home... except it led me right in the middle of traffic of the town's local fall festival, Harvest Homecoming. I didnt think I was ever going to get out of that.
& then ended up needing to stop at McDonalds just to get Bruno a chicken sandwich because I wasnt able to go to the grocery after work .... & I sat in line & sat in line & sat in line some more... I sat in line for 35 minutes for a chicken sandwich. I wish I could say I was joking. The ironic part? Bruno didnt want the chicken ... when a dog doesnt want a chicken sandwich from McDonalds?...hmmm... I'll just leave that alone...
I finally got home around 8:30 & got everything packed up & ready to go for the next day.... go over the check list.... so much stuff!!!!
& I was thrilled to wake up to see the weather was perfection.
It had been raining basically the whole week before & the day after was supposed to be yucky... but this wedding day? God blessed it.
I had to make my stop at Starbucks to fuel up & grab Chasity a drink & from there, its on full force, non stop... full blast.
Seriously - we got started at 9:30am & I didnt walk in my door till 9:15pm... & that's basically moving, on your feet, running around, directing people, giving instructions all day long. & its just so much better when its someone you know & family that you adore. It really is.
Everything couldnt have gone smoother. I honestly was shocked how smooth it all went because we were on schedule the whole day, which I'm a sticklier about, so that doesnt surprise me, but just surprised how fast it all went. Like some days, it feels like forever till the ceremony - not this time. It was like, bam, bink, boom, wedding time.
& of course, I dont have any pics of that yet...
But I did get home & start uploading pictures... & man, that's a task in itself.
If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen some pics just in the uploading phase...
I cant wait for the bride & groom to see their pictures... they are going to be amazing.
The worst moment of the day - which to me is the funniest & not really the worst, but its just funny to note.... sooooo, we had the police called on us this wedding. haha. Always a first for everything, right? But we had the guys out taking pictures & was using this cute little ally for some different backdrop pictures & we were standing in front of some trees that honestly was just a few steps off the ally - didnt seem like we were in anyone's way or bothering anyone. A guy even pulled up in the drive way in front of the tree we were in & we even asked him if we were bothering anything & he was fine - even came out later to throw the garbage out & I asked if he wanted a picture with the groom - he laughed it off... everything going smoothly.....
Then all of a sudden, I see a guy standing behind the groomsmen & I said to him, "You're fine"... meaning he's fine to walk through & he stood with his arms crossed & said, "YOUR NOT"... we all thought he was joking. Needless to say, he said we were on private property... which honestly didnt look like it, but I asked him if he wanted us to leave & he said, "No, you're fine"... but then got in his car & with the windows down, we could hear that he was calling the cops on 'trespassers'... what? Seriously?... we only had 2 more pics to take & we left anyways, but we just had to laugh. What else can you do? & needless to say, when I took the ladies out for pictures, we TOTALLY 100000% avoided that same area.
Chasity & I are such rebel photographers.
The BEST moment of the day for me... I got to pray with Jacob before the wedding. The amazing Pastor of the church was praying with the groom while a lady that works in the church that had been so wonderfully helpful all day prayed with the bride. So Chasity stayed with the bride & I went with the groom. The Pastor asked if anyone else wanted to pray with Jacob & I know that's not a favorite thing for people to do... but here I am, the photographer, raising my hand. haha... I bet some of the groomsmen who didnt know who I was, was like, "um. ok then"... haha... but I couldnt pass up the chance to pray with one of 'my kids'... I have now done 2 other middle school kids of mine's weddings & I prayed with each of them as well & wasn't going to break tradition now. It was truly an honor.... & thanked the Pastor for letting me have the chance to do that.
The rest of the day was just full of ease, & fun, & love & lots of laughter.... it couldnt have been more perfect... especially because we weren't arrested.
![]() |
LOTS of laughter |
& once I got home, I honestly couldnt sleep... my brain is on full blast after a wedding... so I got maybe - MAYBE 3 hours sleep... but I'm used to it.
Sunday, I had MSM - always amazing... & then straight to my JOYSTERS... ALWAYSSSSS AMAZING... & then I had to do my grocery shopping & get back home to finish uploading the rest of the pics.
It wasn't until 10:00pm that I got them all in the computer & ready for editing...
Needless to say.... I'll be at my computer for the next week or two.... & loving reliving this amazing day.....
How was your weekend?
Oh that is hilarious that you got Bruno a chicken sandwich from McDonald's. Sorry he wouldn't it eat, but that is just as funny!
ReplyDeleteI think it's great you have so many memories of the kiddos you photograph as now adults. This month we had a substitute teacher in our building and it was a kid I taught in class my very first year here! Now that made me feel old!
i love the youth to adult pics! when my bestie (since grade 7) got married, we did a whole slide show from when we met (LOLOLOLOL) to current and he was embarrassed but also laughed his ass off.
ReplyDeleteI'm always so impressed with how much you have to bring to weddings to get the perfect shots for the couple!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteI bet the photos will turn out amazing! Candid shots are always my favorite!
ReplyDeleteThose photos will be amazing! How wonderful you got to pray with Jacob before the wedding! You're amazing!
ReplyDeleteYou my dear friend are amazing in every way! I am beyond blessed to call you family. So thankful God allowed you to pray over my son, so special.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see all the wonderful photos you captured.
Love you!
That guy who called the police is a real jerk. Tells you it's okay then calls it in. Good golly. I know that couple loved having someone they know and care about as their wedding photographer! Hope you can share a few pictures once you get through them! You are such a blessing to so many!
ReplyDeleteThat dude! How hilarious. I mean I'm passive aggressive but even I'm not that passive aggressive because A) I wouldn't care that you were taking pics because they are obviously wedding photos so it's not like you're some weird perv. B) If I cared, I would have said something, especially when you asked. Lordy, people are weird. I bet it's always special taking wedding pictures but taking them of someone you know so well has to be extra meaningful. And I get weirded out when my Mom tells me kids I taught Sunday School to (kindergarten) got married and started having kids.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, what a turd of a human! I'd have totally waited around for the cops and been like, "Huh. Well, that guy SAID we were fine. Sounds like someone is wasting tax payers' dollars..." What a jerk! (But good for all of you for laughing about it!)
ReplyDeleteSo glad it was such a beautiful day. Looking forward to seeing some more of the pictures. You always seem to have so much fun whatever you are doing.
ReplyDeleteI would NEVER call on someone taking wedding pics for trespassing. Even if they were. Come on.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame Bruno, I owuldn't eat a chicken sandwich from McDonoalds either lol. I can't believe that idiot called the cops on you guys for trespassing. You asked if it was ok and like...you clearly just taking some wedding pictures. I would be honored you thought my land was pretty enough to be in your special day?? It's not like you were harming puppies or something. Sheesh. Sounds like it was a fantastic wedding either way!
ReplyDeleteDobie loved chicken from anywhere. McDonald's included. Barkley is more discriminating.
ReplyDeleteI adore how involved you stay with all of your middle school kids throughout their lives.
Sounds like an amazing weekend! How cool that you got to see the groom grow up and now take photos at his wedding :) But weird about the guy who called the cops on you guys. Why be passive aggressive and not just ask you guys to leave when you asked?
ReplyDeleteHow nice that you look at working on the photos as reliving a great day. Just an awesome way to think.
ReplyDeletePoor Bruno must have known something awful about McDonalds! How funny.
Ok that is just so sweet and such a special wedding. It's always really precious to see someone you've known for so long get married. It's hard to believe, but it's also really exciting at the same time.
ReplyDeleteWow, that run-in with the police sounds odd; I'm kind of surprised the guy didn't ask you to leave but just called on you instead...