This Week I am Thankful for:
Horse digging friends - Literally
Over the summer, all the mud got piled up around the horse barn doors & now that its cold & winter is showing itself here & there, we had trouble getting the doors shut. I'm so grateful for my brother & his friends that took time out of their day to come dig in literally horse poo to get those doors where they can open & shut easily. They also cleaned out the stalls & got them all fresh for the horses. It's not an easy job taking care of these horses - especially when you are learning as you go. This was all dad's gig. & dad retired to do his dream with this. With Tony & I having jobs & families, I'm glad there are people who chip in on big projects like this.
Room Clean
My back room used to be where I would edit all my pictures when I was doing photography. It was also my "knit room"... so I used it a lot. But over the past year, after my surgeries, I sort of just lived in my bedroom to hang out & watch TV. & my back room had become a sort of "throw all" room. Dont know what to do with something? Throw in back there. Needless to say, it was a MESS!!! So on Veterans Day, while I was off work, I was able to spend the entire day cleaning it up - which took all day! But man oh man, at the end of the night, having everything organized & clearing out & donating a lot of stuff, I'm so glad that is done. Its like we have a whole new room in the house.
Veterans Day
Enjoyed taking another day off work just one week after being back from work.
Parking Garage
Yep - I mentioned this last week, but this week, we had our first snow & our first TEEN temps on the drive into work. I cant tell you how much I love being in the new garage where I dont even have to walk outside! I just go from my back door into our garage, into the car... & then from the car, into the garage here, into the door of the building. I'll take it!
Sticker Book
So my work sister is so on top of the Planner game. She's the one who has taught me all the ways of The Happy Planner (GAME CHANGER!!). So this is the SECOND time that she has gotten a free sticker book where she purchases them in these planner groups (YES - there's planner groups) & she has given those extras to me! HOW NICE IS THAT??? ... & if you know how much I love these planner stickers, its like handing me a winning lottery ticket. Day instantly made.
Friend encouragement
I got this beautifully created handmade card in the mail with a lovely treat inside. & that lovely treat is the beautiful words of encouragement & love from my sweet friend Kelly. She is just the most thoughtful friend & always so good at just loving on you & giving the precious gift of her friendship. I am so thankful to have her in my life.
Serving with High School Friend
I got to serve at our church this past weekend when they had an event for ladies. It was focused around daughters & their mothers, but of course open to young ladies & any mentor or family member in their life. It was great to help out.. but it was even more special when one of my high school friends was there all day with me. I didnt have a lot of people that I was super close with at school... I got along with everyone, but as for good friends, it was a low number. & this friend was on that list. So it was great to catch up & hear how life has been for her & her kiddos. There's something special about people that knew you back in the day, right? To see how the roads veer & turn so differently from one another ... but things like this.... God being the center of our lives... how it can bring us back together
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There I am in high school & the young lady right in front of me in the blue/black stripe shirt...together again WHYYYY didnt we get a picture together? ... we were too busy talking, that's why |
Upside Down Cupcake
I love my sweet hubby brought home a sweet treat for me serving during the day. Who doesnt love a sweet treat?
Church with my niece
I've only waited 15 years for this to happen... one of my nieces went with me to church. I've always said I know I've been serving in youth ministry way too long when I see babies born & then they grow up & come to youth. I had served in youth ministry YEARS before they were even born... but Sunday was the day. Sophia asked if she could come with me & I couldnt say yes fast enough & wish Sunday would get here quick enough. I love that all my youth girls know so much about her from stories I tell that she was just a 'regular' to them... & Sophia saw a lot of familiar faces too. Plus, it was great just having that one on one time with her. I really am hoping she wants to come back with me.
Tell me something good for your week!!!
& be sure to come back next week & link up with me on the biggest day of the year to be Thankful!!!
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