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Well this is going to be a fun link up this month!
I mean, its so hard to pick 10. & I could have picked 10 in each category but 1. we'd be here way too long & 2. I'd STILL have more that didnt make the list. It's always hard to narrow down favorite things like these - especially when you've lived over a few DECADES.
I mean, I could do 10 for each decade in each category & then you'd REALLY get tired of it all
...so I just did first thoughts - didnt over think - just went & rolled with it.
I'm sure I'll re-read this & be like, "why did I pick that one?" ... but hey - it was fun to stretch my brain & do a speed round.....
SIDE NOTE... I just finished it & noticed I did more than 10... LOL!!!
I'm not even going to narrow it down & take any out.
Its ok - no one gets hurt by adding in 3 more.
... oopsie. Sorry Leslie :)
A Walk to Remember
I loved the movie... but like most things - I loved the book even more.
It's one of my favorite Nicholas Sparks book.
I just recently bought it for my niece too.
I need to re-read it to see how it still holds up all these years later
A Storied Life of AJ Fikery
This book just gribbed me in.
Giving me all the feels!
The Sea of Tranquility
This is another book that I need to reread.
I can remember it just touching me to the core & it was like the sleeper book.
Not one that was a "big name" but everyone that read it was also sucked in & loved it.
I need to see how this one feels nearly 8 years later
Beauty & the Beast
You know I have to put this on here.
A beautiful classic with fantastic music... & a smart, tough girl who loves her daddy & also is a reader. It will always be a timeless classic to me.
Grease 2
I know... I KNOW... its one of the most corny movies every & it gets a lot of flack because it's not the original. But I grew up with this movie & I can say basically all the lines along with the movie.
There was no man hotter to me growing up than Michael Carrington.
... ok, Jake Ryan was close to him too... but that leather jacket & motorcycle beat the Porshe by a greased up hair... (see what I did there)

I know this movie is forever long. We actually had the VHS where it was a 2 part set where you had to put in the 2nd video at a "break" in the movie.
I think this is one of the few movies I've seen repeatedly in the theater & cried so hard.
Like, how do you not know how its going to end?
But it still just tore my heart.
It was so beautiful with the costumes too... I honestly can sit & watch it every time its on.
Plus... a young Leo.
Watch what Crappens
OK - if you love all things Bravo, you'd love this.
The guys that do this show honestly make me snort laugh when they recap the Real Housewives episodes.

Another Bachelor Podcast
So obviously I dont listen to podcasts to expand my mind.
Pure entertainment & laughter is what I go for a lot.
But this is my favorite go-to podcast for Bachelor recaps - just because they make me laugh the hardest.
Mean Book Club
Because again... give me laughter
This is where a group of ladies takes older books that were popular & reads them & basically makes fun of them. I need to get caught up on the latest ones they've "reviewed"

TV Shows
Anne with an E
I am such a sucker for period pieces & give me a classic with Anne of Green Gables & I've been so into this show. I wish they would give one more season... even 2 more - to give us a grown up Anne & Gilbert. I can hold onto hope. It's such a beautiful show to watch too.

The Office
I mean, is a Favorite TV list even worth it if it doesnt have Michael Scott on it?

I think this show is just the best in social experiments.
& the competitions with physical & mental.
I get excited for every season of this.
Grey's Anatomy
I'm going to add this on here because I've watched this show from day 1 & still watching it.
It has made me mad sometimes - frustrated some times - but more often than not, it hits me in the heart & I'm totally still here for it.
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STILLLL will make me cry watching this season |
So what about you?
Agree with any of these?
Got any new things I need to make sure I dont miss? Tell me tell me tell me!
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