Anyone else noticing the time changing already? A little bit darker earlier at night... a little bit longer for the sun to come up?
It's crazy because when I started working at home ... IN MARCH... it was still dark when I'd go into my back room & gear up my computer. Then we switched to where the sun was blaring into the windows by the time I needed to turn on the computer.... & now, we're back to where I'm at the computer before the sun gets over the trees. It's the Native American side in me that I live my life on watching where the sun is at during any time of the day. That side AND the photographer side.
Side note - I miss my photography days. I got a notice that my photography web side is about ready to expire & I'm debating just letting it go. It is a pretty penny to pay the yearly fees & I'm not sure I'll ever get back into it as much as I did before - so I may just let that chapter in my life come to a close. That's always tough though. I miss it... but dont.
I miss the fun of capturing moments & taking pictures & transforming them into lifetime memories for people.
I miss meeting new people & really getting to know them. Some of them becoming real & true friends.
I miss the challenge of growing in the art of photography & becoming better with each session I did.
I miss the opportunity to spend days with brides & grooms & see the most exciting days behind my lens.
I dont miss the stress of it all though
& the time & hours behind a computer editing.
I dont miss the pressure I put on myself to get every picture absolutely perfect & the fear of letting people down or not giving them what they expected... which, thank goodness, never happened - but it didnt mean that the pressure on myself wasn't there.
As everything - it has its good & its bad. Being older now & never sure of my health, it probably is time to just let it go. Doesnt mean I can't still do pictures on the side - but I dont need my web site any longer... right? ... I know I'll cry when its gone.
Anyways... that took a turn & nothing to do with the weekend. Actually, there wasn't a whole lot to talk about with the weekend anyways.
I dont know about anyone else but man oh man - the world is STRESSING ME OUT Y'ALL!!!! I mean, every night, I feel like my shoulders & upper back is up to my ears with tension. I get so angry at people's comments & attitudes on things. I get frustrated over things. I'm just really on edge about a lot of things. So I made a goal for myself that this weekend, I was just going to disconnect as much as possible & relax the best way I could. What did that mean? Little social media & very little news.
Friday, started off that I had to run to the bank for work so took care of that & a trip to the UPS store & then it was officially the weekend.
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UPS Store aint playing around - these signs outside the door & right as you walk in |
I ran into the grocery to pick up a few things & picked up a Kombucha... I used to drink this stuff all the time & love it! Just forget to pick up a bottle or two when I'm there. This stuff was delicious... SOUR AS ALL GET OUT TOO - but delicious!!!
I took some things over to my mom's Friday night & it was just a gorgeous day & even more gorgeous night. So me & mom just sat on her porch & chatted for awhile & I let Baby run the field for awhile.
Saturday, my plan to rest & relaxed got all sorts of messed up when I woke up at 4:45am & couldnt go back to sleep. GREAATTTTT........
I ended up catching up on some Real Housewives.. that's a fun show to watch first thing in the morning & then went out & watched the sun rise. It was such a gorgeous & cool morning!
Getting up so early messed me up the rest of the day though. I was dragging. I ended up dozing off a few times during the day. I get off schedule & it really messes with me. Is that just me?
I also started watching Cursed on Netflix....

I am SUCH a lover of anything King Arthur, Merlin, Excalibur, Camelot - all of that stuff - so I was super duper excited about this!!! It's made me want to turn on & rewatch all of the Merlin series (LOVED that show) ... I still say the word "MERLIN" in a whisper. If you watched this show, you get it.

... anyone else remember the OLD TV special they did about Merlin. What did they call those things... when it was a special on TV for like every night for a week? It had a name... dang it - I cant think of it...
A MINI SERIES.... I just googled it. It was in 1998

I need to see if I can find this on any sort of streaming. I'm sure its corny as all get out... dont care - still love all things Merlin!
This made me think - I had bought the book Mists of Avalon to read... that baby is nearly 900 pages. I have that book on my shelf & all this Merlin talk made me to dig it out. The print in it is so ITTY BITTY small too for 900 pages. I'll never be able to read it. I need to see if Amazon has it avaiable on Kindle.
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Sure enough - they have it. Click on the pic to check it out too This will be a good book challenge for me. |
I did need to get moving so I didnt nap the day away & needed coffee creamer so I ran down to Target .... & walked out spending $85.00. How does that happen?
Picked up some dinner for us & took mom over some dinner too & then ate, took a shower, watched some more Cursed & then I was knocked out by 10pm. The day caught up to me.
Sunday, it was another cool morning - the last we'll have for awhile... so I went out with my Kindle & the dogs & soaked it up. All the humidity came in later in the day & it's going to be AWFUL this week. UGHHHH...
I started a new book this weekend too & actually got a lot of reading in. I'm so enjoying the book I'm reading right now... speaking of which - tomorrow is Show Us Your Book day!
My goal for Sunday? Stay in PJ's all day... goal accomplished!
I came in from outside reading when it was getting a little warmer - made some breakfast - did church online....
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Looks like the Pastor is trying to wake Ernie up |
& then finished Cursed ... which, the ending... I have feelings about it.... big time feelings....
I stayed on the couch & finished up a blanket I've been working on, watched the netlix dancing movie that came out with Jordan Fisher (I love him)
Corny as all get out - but I'm a sucker for anything dancing |
... got a little bit of sewing done... got cleaning & laundry done... more & reading.
THE LAZIEST OF DAYS... & it was perfect. So needed.
It did my soul good to stay clear of the news & a lot of the things that stresses me out. I need to do it more often.
& here we are... back at Monday. Time to do it all again.
So how was your weekend?
Do you like Kombucha?
Do you like the whole Camelot characters?
What's your latest Netflix binge?
Do you give yourselves breaks in this crazy time?
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