This week I am Thankful For:
Mask Helper
The awesome Dana totally surprised me when I got my mail & saw this lovely card with some goodies inside. These little babies are to put on the back of your head & to hook your mask on them to hold it tight on your face - but not have to put the pressure on your ears. She had some extra & shared. How stinkin' kind is that!!!! ... & how creative are people to come up with these sorts of things!!!
Working from home with vertigo attack
I have a few dozen things every day why I'm glad about working from home... but this week, I've been living in Vertigo world & man oh man, I'm so glad I'm at home & not having to get behind the wheel of a car. Its just miserable!
Game Nights
I have talked The Hubs to play some games lately. I could play games every single day & never get tired of them. I've learned that's not for everyone. So I'm glad when I get a few nights in with some game fun.
Google Mini
I forgot that Spotify sent me a free Google Mini a few months ago. I got it all set up next to my bed & I'm loving having it set up on routines to end my day & start my day. I've gotten so used to having little speakers everywhere to ask random questions. SO MANY RANDOM QUESTIONS!!!!
Getting to see family
We havent had anyone in the house since March. It was funny when I answered the door for our West Virginia gang - I said, 'I have a few questions to ask you first - have you recently had a cough? Do you have a headache?'... LOL ... They asked if I wnated to take their temperature - I told them ot hang on & I'd get my scanning thermometer!!! (I DIDNT DO IT Y'ALL) ... we had a good laugh about it. They said they were glad we're doing all the social distancing & all the things we should be doing too or they wouldnt have come over. You can still spread this thing in your own family. But it was good seeing them & visiting & getting to see how big the boys are getting so fast.
Zoe Time
Our sweet old girl turned 15 this past weekend & even more than that, we just have had the most fun with her lately. We put her up in the bed with us when we play games & she loves all the attention. She'll play with us & wrestle with us... she doesnt act like a 15 year old dog to me... minus the slow, achy walk she does. But that's why we carry her - keeping her Diva style up keeps her young.
Mask Wearers
I was standing in line at Pet Smart the other day & there is a mask mandate out for our state. Signs on the door stay that they are REQUIRED to enter. So tell me why there was a mother & a daughter in front of me with no mask on? The mom was younger than me... the daughter, a preteen. They were laughing & joking... & when they got to the counter, the cashier had said, "When you return, we are asking that all our customers wear a mask"... the mom said, "I dont feel like we need to"... if my eye rolling could cause a tidal wave, it would have. How I keep my mouth shut in these situations is only by the grace of God. What if people feel like doing whatever they want every day.... can you imagine the chaos? ... I heard a doctor on the news the other morning saying "Our freedoms is what's going to continue killing people"... I dont understand why everyone cant let that sink in. For the - I've lost count week - I am so grateful for everyone who abides by mandates - & more important - the people who listen to science & MOST importantly - the people who care about those around them.

In a time where we still feel seperated & tensions are high & going onto Facebook & seeing comments can be disheartening & frustrating - I am thankful for all my blog friends who take the time to still come here & read & comment & join in with me in this crazy ride of life. Every single day, you all put a smile on my face. I dont say it enough - I am super grateful for all of you!!!
What good things have happened in your week?
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