Two books this month... meh
I was really on a reading kick last month & this month, it's just been a downhill turn again. It definitely goes with my stress level ... AND if the book is magical enough to transport me.
I didnt have a good month with books so my stress level won out & I just struggled to get the reading in. I'm reading a good book right now & its really helped with my stress level & whisking me away from reality... so dont tell me there's not power in a good book....
Oh well... here's my measly, sad, 2 books I've read this month... here's to hoping a better post next month!

*** / Liked it
Quick Summary: A book on giving all the motivation & encouragement to chase your ambitions & dreams
(Rating: G / Motivational)
Received from NetGalley - opinion all my own
I'll start by saying I enjoy Bob Goff & his humor. I've enjoyed his first two books that were about loving those around us. This one focuses on dreams & goals & ambitions.
I had all sorts of emotions reading this. First, I was sort of depressed because it made me feel like I didnt have any big lofty dreams or goals or ambitions. Reading it, it made me feel like I needed to have these goals that I just feel like I'm too old to try & do. The book never was very clear either on how to narrow down what you really are wanting to achieve. It would sort of reference that "we'll get to how to discover your ambitions" - but there never really was anything clear to me.
I will say, I started making sort of a bucket list of FUN things I wanted to accomplish before I leave this world & then I sort of connected a little more with the book.
BUT... in true Bob Goff form, some of his writing just aggravated me. Mr. Goff lives a VERY BLESSED life. If you're not familiar with him, he started a law firm & then left it to do a lot of adventurous things with his life. OK - I dont know about you - but I'm never going to be secure enough in life to just leave my well paying job to go chasing dreams. He's a dreamer. He writes the Queen to meet with her often. ... see, a dreamer. & knowing him, it'll probably happen.
& I guess that's the difference. He has the ability to dream. Most people dont have the resources to dream as big as he does. So some of his advice - to me - comes off as a DREAM...
Saying that - some chapters really were inspiring for every day life & I highlighted quite a bit. Other chapters, they just made me mad & I just skipped it. In the end, this book wasn't something that is going to change my life - but I did get a few motivational take aways.
Fears dont really get fully conquered; they're just understood & given less power.

** / It was OK
Quick Summary: After Avery misses her opportunity to make it to the Olympics, she has to find meaning for her life & that includes coaching with another Olympian to get a new girl to the the 2020 Toyoko Olympics
Meh. So not impressed on this one.
I really wanted to like it. I love watching gymnastics & thought it would be cute. I just thought it was predictable - didnt have much going for the characters. They brought in the horror of doctors that are acting inappropriately but never really got deep into that story line either. Everything on it was just surface level reading.
It passed the time OK - but it took me forever go get through this book which usually signals that I just am not feeling it.

So far - I am LOVING this book!
What's the best book you've read this summer?
Are books helpful for you in hard times - or are they hard to read when you're stressed?
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