Let's see what has come in all the brown boxes being delivered lately.
(Click the Pic or Title for the link)
One of the exercise programs I was doing called for this for ab work - I really like it to put behind the low back for some ab work.
I didnt realize that if batteries hit one another, it saps some of their power, making them weaker.
Plus, you can never find batteries when you need them.
This is perfect! Keeps them all in the same place.
The back side has nothing but space for AA Batteries.
& it comes with a battery tester to see if the battery has a good charge.
I am in love with this thing!
For my new coffee bar, its actually an Entertainment center - the top isnt made for spills.
I was actually worried what it was going to do to the top if it started to get wet.
My brother suggested this & I'm excited about it. I have to still lay it down on it but just looking at other things you can do with this - I'm glad to have it handy.
I wanted a more fine tip pen to try in my planner.
This is REALLY fine tip. I'm not sure I'll use it a lot - but it does come in handy in small places to write. It may be handy even in a Bible where you have small spaces to write.
I have since bought the Pentel 0.7 pens & AM IN LOVE!!!!
They work perfectly for my planner.
I was in a Treat Yo Self kinda mood the other day & just wanted this.
I love the simple pattern of this for my planner & love it even better in person.
It was only $5.99 for all of these - so what was there to lose?
I'm keeping this link to order more because it looks so nice & classy on any calendar!
Here it is... my new baby.
I honestly cant tell you how much I love this. I really am thinking of buying another one to be able to rotate the brew. I can drink a batch in about 2 days - 2 cups a day. MAYBEEEE 3 days - but not much left on that 3rd day. I'm so glad I finally got this.
This was a Prime Day buy. I never really thought I wanted wireless earbuds, but when I walk, I always am getting my arms snagged in the wires & yank them out. I thought, why not - it was cheap enough on Prime Day. I really am enjoying these. They synced up really easily to my phone (I'm an Android gal) & they are really nice to tap & pause & there's other functions I have yet to learn the tapping motion on them for - but I'm really happy I tried these out.
What's something nice you've gotten from Amazon lately?
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