So I meant to post this on the first but I'm always a blog slacker - & life has been so busy, at work, at home, with my dogs... its just been a lot - so that its up on the 3rd, I'm patting myself on the back.
Also - I wanted to remind people - my sweet friend Jennifer over at Overflowing with Thankfulness is going to continue a link up for Thankful Thursday so if you enjoy doing those posts - be sure to go check her out every Thursday - & all the other days - she does some other fun link ups!
So here's what December looked like to me:
1. Fri / I havent worked from home in weeks with a busy work schedule & covering for people, so on a rainy, cold Friday, I was more than excited to be back in my home office for the day. #dogslovedittoo
2. Sat / Finished my first book of December #NeedstobeaHallmarkMovie
3. Sun / Woke up to a lake in our kitchen floor where Ricky was trying to give Zoe at bath at 5:30am #WetDog
4. Mon / When that alarm went off at 5am, I honestly wanted to cry. #WantToSleepIn
5. Tues / We tried out the diapers for Zoe for the first time & it was a SUCCESS! #savedadogbed
6. Wed / All I could think about was 9pm where the conclusion of The Squid Games Challenge came on Netflix! #happyaboutthewinner
7. Thurs / My poor brother has been feeling awful this week. #Tisthecold/flu/covidseason
8. Fri / I got the most shocking phone call to hear one of my dear friends passed away after surgery complications #RIPKelly
9. Sat / Spent most of the evening the ER with Ricky & the pain he was in with kidney stones #atleasttheERwasempty
10. Sun / Just relaxing & letting Ricky try & pass these stones #lazyday
11. Mon / Had my yearly appointment to get my prescriptions for the year. #lifeofanoldwoman
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Yes, I have 2 pairs of glasses LOL |
12. Tues / Love everyone is decorating for Christmas in our office #makeitcheery
13. Wed / Love getting my old girl out of her bed & holding her & loving on her. #keephergoing
14. Thurs / Went to the funeral home for my friend & it hit me all over again that she's really gone #unbelievable #loveyourlovedoneseveryday
15. Fri / I needed a work from home day so badly #staycomfy
16. Sat / It was such a nice day to go shopping & we even sat outside for lunch #Tistheseason
17. Sun / I love keeping this burning in my house during Christmas to make my home smell like real trees are inside #yankeecandlesaresogood
18. Mon / one of my work family got me the best surprise for Christmas!!! #hadthisinmycart #LOVELOVELOVE
19. Tues / We got to reveal our Secret Santa's at work & it was a fun year of elf-ery #sneakygifts
20. Wed / Finished another book for 2023 #bestreadingyear
21. Thurs / I love me some Kroger Fuel points!!! #onedollaroff
22. Fri / Finished the work week with over 10 hours overtime #thebusiesttime
23. Sat / Got to spend Christmas with my Vincent Family - minus a few who Covid got ahold of #itseverywhere
24. Sun / Happy Birthday to my Hubby & my side Christmas celebration #abusyday
25. Mon / I love we enjoy relaxed & easy Christmas days #finallyarelaxingday
26. Tues / Going back to work the day after Christmas is just THE WORST!!! #trafficislightthough
27. Wed / 2 years since I had my TIA & I still remember every little thing about it #onemoreyeartillclear
28. Thurs / My reading life has taken a hit with how busy I am at work. #comehomeanddonothing
29. Fri / The office was so empty today & I loved it #getalltheworkdone
30. Sat / My birthday falls on a weekend but still had to work #oldlife #howdidIgetto52sofast?
31. Sun / Spending the day loving & taking care of Zoe #gladshesmadeitanotheryear
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