Our little handsome redhead is going to be 4 months next week - can you believe it? He's already up to 13 lbs & just getting too big! But everyone needs to pray for him - he's been sick the past few weeks. On his first day to day care - what happens - he gets a cold! But then it really hit him hard & they thought he had RSV which is very common in preemies. Julie said the tests just came back on that & they are negative but he does have some sort of "Bronchiolitis" - ahh - that just even sound right to have that word in the same sentive with the word "baby". Julie said he coughs, then that makes him cry - then that makes him cough - & its a vicious cycle. He's taking breathing treatments at night & they apparently help him. Julie said that this morning, at least he was smiling & trying to "talk" to her in between coughs. Times like this - it kills me - I wish they were here so I could help out! But Julie is just being the best mommy! Keep her in your prayers as well to keep up strength so she can tend to him. Hopefully he's on the back side of this & he'll be back to good in no time!

I just had to add this picture because he just looks like he needs to be in Indiana with his Pappy - the red hair, camoflauge & over alls - that is a "Greenville" outfit if I've ever seen one!
And can I say, I was shocked by this picture. I've not ever seen the Alamo in person - but I do distinctly remember in "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" when he runs out of the Alamo from trying to find the Basement (Can you say Tortilla?) the yard looked massive - full of gree grass. See how movies put an image in your mind? Sorry, my mind wandered there....

And finally - isn't this the sweetest picture...

That last picture was one of my favorites from the set. I can't wait 'til I get to meet the little guy!