WHOO-HOOO! I just finished my socks for the month - right under the wire - & I have to say, they are the most perfect socks EVER! First of all, they have the Aloe on them that is just so yummy & smooth & feels like Heaven on your fe
et. Second, they are taller than some of the others I have knitted, which I really like much better on my legs. Third - I couldn't have matched them better if I wanted to! I like socks that dont particularly match, but when I got the end of the first sock - the yarn was just a little bit where I could match them up - so I went ahead & man, they rock! They are spot on perfect!

Ricky actually tried on the first one & he said he would actually like to have this pair. When I finished & tried them on myself & saw how wonderful they are - Nope, on my feet they will stay! I can always give him my next ones I'm going to make - the pink, rose colored socks!! Think he'll go for it? Hey - I can remember him telling me he'd never wear knitted socks because he knows the price of a skein of yarn for them - but all it took was one sock to try on & now he wants a pair! See how easily people are swayed by luxurious yarn?
And this mess? This is a purse that I made when I first started knitting. I found this yarn & LOVED it & wanted to do something. That something didn't turn out very nice! I ended up finding the other day a beret someone had knitted in the exact yarn & it looked adorable! S
o, I spent the weekend finding that purse & taking it apart. I ended up rolling it all up in nice little balls of yarn (thanks to the ball winder from Steph) & the yarn is ready for a second chance! I'll have to post a picture of the beautiful beret when its all put back together again! Don't you love the versatility of yarn?

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