Friday, December 08, 2023

Friday Favorites


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Favorite Light

It is no secret I hate the darkness in the house. I would love to keep this on to just give a room a warm feel. & the BEST part - you can pick that up & carry it!!!! So if you have a little one, you can use as a night light or for me, someone that gets up to pee 5 times a night, this would help not tripping over a dog!

Favorite Office Help

For under $10.00 - this would be a good gift for any coworker
& I like, its open on the bottom so you can charge your phone too.
As a post it nerd, I'd have this baby covered in 3.2 seconds

Favorite Artist Fun

How have I never heard about this??? 
This has everything already colored - you just make the lines... bring the picture to life.
I love doodling so this would be so up my ally!!!!
Great stocking stuffer for the teens in your life too - or the artist at heart!

Favorite Slippers

I love my slippers but they're slip ons ... & I tend to SLIP out of them when moving fast, or walking in the rain to take the dogs out. - so I like the idea of these covering the whole foot!!!
The reviews on them are amazing so I may have to get these to tackle the cold days ahead.

Favorite Bluetooth Headband

I got turned onto these when I was talking to Julie about how me & sleep dont get along.
She told me to get these to listen to a podcast, or music or something relaxing while I drift off... I've recently had a reallllllly bad round of tinnitus lately & silent rooms are like torture. & I cant listen to sounds like rain or oceans - it makes the ringing worse. But I can put on an audiobook or talking & it helps me relax.  A life saver. Plus, you can wear it walking or cleaning the house - when you want to listen to something without bothering anyone else.  I've actually bought 2 of these lately! LOL

Favorite Games

This is a total splurge! But its also SO PRETTY!!!!!

Favorite Shower Help

I have this thing & I really do love it - its the best thing for catching my hair & keeping my shower clog free. Especially with my long hair - how much I lose every time I wash it, its incredible. But this just catches so much of it from caushing issues. 

Favorite Egg Cracker

Why are the simplest things sometimes just the smartest?
This is for cracking your eggs to save it from spilling on the edge of your pan or on the counter top.
That ridge gives the perfect cut in the egg to split it - & then you can even use this as a spatula rest while you cook your eggs.  So smart!

Favorite Baby Carrying

Look at new moms in 2023 getting all the cool new things!

Again - SO SMART! An easy way to hold kids on "your hip" without having to make your back do that weird shape to make sure they stay up on your hip - & also do that lift, jump thing when they slide.  Just click on this "fanny bag" looking carrier & there is a SEAT for the kids to sit on basically!!!!!  How has this not been thought of before???

Favorite Funnies

This is one of those moments that I dont understand why this hit me as so funny
like - I had tears laughing at this ???

Julie - this is for you!!!!

Have a great weekend Y'all!!!!

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