with a little help from my friends!!!!.......VBS is next week & I am running the crafts for the elementary school kids. I had 168 cowboy hats to put together - (which may sound easy - but its not) 168 vests to cut out of paper bags (which may sound easy...) & with the problems I've been having with my hand & arm - it was getting scary on how this would all get done. What would I do without friends? Jack opened up his home - him & Ryan & Rollie made a wonderful Mexican dinner (along with cheesecake for dessert - YUM) - & a craft night was to be had! Cara & Brent, Meech & Macy, me & Ricky, along with Ryan & Jack went at it! Cutting away, tape being pulled, paper flying through the air - we were hard at it! I didnt think it was going to be possible to finish them all! We started around 6:30 - and when the clock struck 11:30 & we were on the tail end - I almost wanted to cry because we actually did it - we finished!!!! I never could have done it all on my own! I know by the end of the night, everyone's fingers were blistered, tired & just plain wore out - but no one gave in. A second wind even blew through & the hat making contest was on!! I cant even express my gratitude for the time & work everyone put out to help me! I am just thankful! I truly would have been lost with everyone's help - so once again - THANK YOU guys!
Now - onto the big VBS week where we get to see the kids turn our labor into beautiful works of art - that's the best part! That's the payment of all the hard work - seeing those kids have a good time enjoying church & learning about our God! All worth it!
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