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Favorite Socks
I'll let it pass there is no Belle... but these are still so cute
& there's all sorts of different characters if you click the pic for the link
Marvel to Winnie the Pooh to Toy Story to Sponge Bob!
Favorite Vinyl Player
Isnt this so beautiful?
It has AM/FM capabilities & the best part is you can operate it Bluetooth as well!
Favorite Drink Savers
I'm totally getting these... Hubby drinks root beer in glass bottles every day!
These will be perfect for him! He loves those drinks too that have pure cane sugar that come in the glass bottles - This little package of a few toppers will be a perfect stocking stuffer!
Favorite Dishes
I've been looking at getting new dishes
I really like the edges on these plates!
& I think stoneware is just beautiful!
Favorite Earrings Backs
If you were like me & wore big & heavy earrings in teh 80's & 90's...
Then you have ear lobes that struggle under the weight of earrings now.
You put these as backs on your earrings & they have support that keep them up!!!
I'm intrigued!
Favorite Soap
I actually bought these as little gifts for people last year!
They have little "paper" pieces of soap - so you can toss in your bag & when you're out, you can wash your hands much easier - especially without needing to touch more things. EWWWW
Its made for more hiking or camping - but I'm like, Hello Covid world - give me all the soap!
Favorite Purse Helper
I've been wanting to get a Bagnet myself!
I hate putting my purse on the ground & its even worse when there's no hook in a bathroom!
I looked on their site & never even thought of some of the ways they use it!
I need to just order me a few!
Favorite Organizer
I've actually been wanting a label maker!
I could use it for so many things - a lot of ideas in my planners too!
I remember having a label maker when I was a kid & I would basically put a label on anything that was sitting around. I was dangerous. I can feel the labeling potential still living in me!
Favorite TV
OK - I get it - this is a major splurge!
But I've been seeing more people talk about them & after Biana talked about hers & showed how hers look in her new home, I really am more interested in these.
Gorgeous to display your pictures or art... & keep it functional too!
Favorite Funnies
Have a great weekend y'all!!!!
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