Joining in with Jennifer & Leslie to help share the gratitude
This week I am Thankful for:
A long weekend
I am not that big of a fan of Thanksgiving in general - but I will say, a 4 day weekend does make it move up the list on favorite holidays. Plus, I get my house decorated.. .maybe I do actually like Thanksgiving. Who knew?
OK... Thanksgiving
I had a really nice one this year. The last few, we've had ambulances at my mom's house so this year was a really laid back, relaxed one. Breakfast with the hubby & watching the parade & then the dog show (I will forever root for the Aussies) & then I picked mom up & we went to my brother's for dinner. It was all just relaxed & easy & in the end, we all had full bellys - so a success.
Broccoli Casserole
I'll say it every year - my brother's is DA BESTTTTT!!!! I always say every year, everyone, get a scoop, the rest is mine. I could eat the entire dish of it. YUM!
Online Shopping
We went out on Black Friday to see if we could find some sales & honestly, we didnt search hard or long.... but I ended up finding the best deals & did more shopping standing in line on my phone. Technology is amazing, isn't it?
Christmas Movies
I've already been jumping into some of the fun Holiday movies & shows! They just are a good break from the crazy world & give all the warm &fuzzy feels.
If you haven't checked out Home Sweet Home Alone yet on Disney+ - do it - its hilarious. I laughed till I had tears. I just love Ellie Kemper anyways.
Tree up!
I love the glow of our lights... so happy its back for another year!
I put this up one day on my Friday Favorites & then bought myself one for Christmas. I LOVE THIS THING. It keeps all the ice coffee from sweating everywhere & easy to hold. Plus, its so cute! I need to get another one for year round (Click HERE for link) ... Just a note - I got a MEDIUM in the Javasok & that holds the Venti from Starbucks or Large drinks from other coffee shops. I thought I would need a Large but that's for Trenta's! When I got it, I thought it wouldnt fit - but it does!
What are you Thankful for this week?
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