The House in the Cerulean Sea
Quick Summary: As a Case Worker at the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth, Linus goes to check an Orphanage that homes 6 unique children that could potentially bring the end of days & gets caught up in the relationships he makes along the way with them & the caretaker that watches over them
I really wanted to like this more - like I wanted to LOVE it. I kept seeing it pop up everywhere. & I actually did this one on audio because I heard that on a podcast that the narrator was wonderful... & he was. He does so many voices & gives so much life to each one.
I did laugh at the characters - one of the kids name is Lucy - short for Lucifer & he's the Antichrist... so there's that in a magical book. But his comments in the book, his character, actually made me chuckle. A lot of the comments throughout the book actually made me chuckle truth be told.
I wanted this to be the next Harry Potter - but doesnt give me the same sort of vibe.
It was very on the line of acceptance of others & hatred & prejudice & that part of the book, I could understand the love of the book & appreciated the love of this story.
I didnt hate it... didnt love it... it was OK enough to pass the time. I know there's a lot of people that have fallen in love with it & have really taken to the story & all the characters - which I get. It's just not something I was gaga over - maybe it was expectations that let me down... It's funny because I listened to another podcast reviewing it & they said the same thing. They read it & didnt enjoy it & then re-read it later & really enjoyed it but they felt like the expectations was too much the first time & when they read it again, it took on a new life. Maybe that's what I need to do.
“Hate is loud, but I think you'll learn it's because it's only a few people shouting, desperate to be heard. You might not ever be able to change their minds, but so long as your remember you're not alone, you will overcome.”
Quick Summary: The daughter of a Rabbi is hiding a secret - she's a famous publisher of Christmas stories & she loves all things Christmas. So when she's asked to write a new novel for Hanukkah, she has to find a story & ends up crossing paths with her summer camp archenemy - Jacob Greenberg who is going to host a Matzah Ball - the perfect environment for Rachel to get her new story idea.
You know how Holiday stories go - super Hallmark feeling - & this one was just like that. Funny enough, I watched a movie on Hallmark just the weekend before where the character went to a party actually called The Matzah Ball - I was like, WAIT - it that this book? It wasn't... it was called Eight Gifts of Hanukkah - which also was very cute btw.
Anyhoo... this book was cute, funny & has its sweet moments.
I really appreciated it though because Rachel has an autoimmune disease & its treated with compassion & honesty & not some shoved off, "cant see it, it doesnt exist" issue.
I'm glad I came upon this... a quick, feel good Holiday read.
“these candles are a metaphor. They remind us that we always have a choice. We can be someone who snuffs out another person’s candle and, in the process, makes the world a darker place. Or we can be the type of person who spreads light. Better to be the shamash—one candle that lights all the others and brightens an otherwise dark world.”
Quick Summary: Annie takes a position as "winter guardian" to a home near a beach after she finds her husband cheating on her & she's ready to start a new life.
This was the book club pick of the month - it was nice enough. A very sweet tale about finding your own happiness & new beginnings. It's very G-rated, very Hallmark, very predictable - but that's OK - it was a nice cozy enough read.
You learn to meet most of the town in this book - so lots of characters - & you'll end up hating Annie's soon to be Ex - Max.. what a disgusting person. But everyone else is charming & has their own personality & made me want to move to a quaint little town to have a whole village as a family.
“Today is not a day to mope, she said to herself. Today is to find somewhere to live.”
& to close out 2021 - here's what I did for the year
& my favorite book of 2021
This book totally made me gasp & I was here for the twists & turns in the story.
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