I just wanted to share some of the things that these ladies spoke... notes I wrote down... some points that hit me...
They may be scattered - but hey, that's my note taking skills at work...
but they also may be simple thoughts that someone needs to hear
& I got a few messages & emails saying how badly some women wanted to go to Women of Faith, but its not near them, or they missed it... so this is a good way to share some of the messages that you hear, a good example of what you would take in if you were there...
So for those of you going to a WOF conference soon, I can't wait for you to go! Everyone else - let's press on! :)
Like I said, I'm going back to my notes that I took writing literally in the dark (Indy conference - y'all need to do something about that... have some dim lights for us nerds who like to write notes & like to have actual Bibles in hand, not just a Bible app on a phone)
Sheila was the first speak on Friday evening... she centered it around the disciples getting in the boat with Jesus, but more so around a topic... Brokenness ...
Here are some highlights of my notes:
* What you think about God is the most important thing about you ....
That's a powerful statement, isn't it? I mean, we think our jobs, our children, our lives - THAT'S what is important about us... but if you think about it, how we think about God sort of is the center of every part of our lives. It helps define all our decisions we make... that sentence starts to make sense when you look deeper into it.
*A Solid Foundation on a Windy Day....
Sheila talked about being Scottish, they were heavier people coming into America where the focus is on thin, thin, thin... but her mom told her that they lived in a windier place & they needed that Solid Foundation to keep them in place & not get blown over. (I've got a VERY Solid Foundation then) ;)
What a vision of what God is for us. A foundation that will keep us safe, in place, not knocked over in the storms of life...
*Luke 19:10 "For the Son of Man came to seek & to save what was lost"
Lost in the Greek means "ruined" - "Devastated" - "Broken beyond repair" ...
ever felt that way? ... broken beyond repair? Jesus is like, "No - think again - I don't think so"
*You don't have to clean yourself up to go to God....
Sheila talked about how she was wearing a cream suit one time before coming out to speak at Women of Faith. Her son, who was young at the time, had discovered the food table & was going to town on the chocolate cake on the end. All over his hands - all over his face... just how little kids enjoy a piece of cake. As she was going on stage, he whispered "I love you mommy" ... Sheila turned & kneeled down & had him come hug her... she said she knew he was a mess but she wanted her child to know that he never had to clean himself up to come to her. She never wanted him to have to fit to standards before he believed it was safe to come to her...Isn't God the same way? Doesn't care how much dirt we have on us... he just wants us to COME
* Hebrews 13:5-6
... God has said, "Never will I leave you... never will I forsake you"
So we say with confidence "The Lord is my helper; I will NOT BE AFRAID"
*Guilt & Shame
You feel GUILT when you've done something wrong... you feel SHAME when you feel YOU are something wrong
* Mark 4:35- "Let us go over to the other side"
The disciples were scared when they hit the storm in the middle of the trip, freaking out, afraid they were going to drown... but Jesus didn't say let's sit out in the middle of this storm - he had a plan. Get to the other side. When Jesus says he's going to take you somewhere - he's going to GET YOU THERE!
*Whatever brings Him glory!!!
Sheila talked about a cancer scare she had. Before she went into surgery she got on her knees & said, "God if it brings you glory that this isn't cancer, then Lord, your will... & Lord, if it brings you glory that I have cancer & will travel that road, then let it be"... something she fully believed because she knew God was with her & would get her to where she needed to be, regardless of what storm it took her through...
oh... the faith....
* Which one are you?
There are 3 people when Jesus come with his boat.
1. The ones who hold onto their broken pieces & won't get in the boat because they are ashamed.
2. The ones who get in the boat, but hide their broken pieces & act like its all OK
3. The ones who knows Jesus is in that boat & runs to jump in with their broken pieces held out for Him to take
It was just so powerful... maybe its just a cool Scottish accent (which is really cool) - but I honestly think it was one of the best messages I've heard from Sheila... & I've heard a lot of messages from Ms. Walsh...
She spoke of the horrible tragedy that happened to her father as he suffered with mental illness & the break down she had on air with the 700 Club & the time following where she herself had to deal with depression & had to be institutionalized... what a testimony on how God heals the past, heals the shame, heals the guilt...
She finished it up with a beautiful song that I've spent a half hour trying to find.
I would think the song was "I will rise" - but I can't find it anywhere... it was just beautiful... one of those that builds up & gives you chills...
... & this was the first message of the night...
Amazing women still ahead...
I've always wanted to attend a Women of Faith conference...I need to check out the dates for next year. It wasn't the Chris Tomlin song I Will Rise was it? I love love love that one!
ReplyDeleteLike Joyce, I was thinking it might have been that Chris Tomlin song, too. Love Sheila's messages of faith...powerful, indeed!
ReplyDeleteSheila Walsh is an awesome speaker and singer too. Enjoyed the words of hers you shared. So very true.
ReplyDeleteSo cool that you got to go to that!