I think I blinked....
because the weekend went by in a blur....
It was busy from the get go - especially because Friday was my twin nieces birthday. 11 years old. I still can't believe it. They had their birthday party the week before rock climbing with their friends. That's a pretty cool birthday party. I apparently am not cool enough to be invited to hang out with 11 yr olds. Probably because they know I'd be the one to push all the kids out of the way so I can make it up the rock climbing wall.
... & if any of you know me, you know that's just a funny statement because my ideal of rock climbing is taking one step up & saying BAM! FINISHED!
Me & Prince Charles are about the same level of rock climbing pros |
but the girls aren't too grown up yet to have family come over & love on them for their birthday.
They are really the coolest kids. As soon as I got there, Madi took me on a tour of their path they cleared out in the woods & the tent that they built. Sophia was brining my mom out of the other side of the tour. But it really is impressive the work they put into clearing a path - that takes you by a tree that their Papaw carved in a tree when they were just itty bitty babies - & then took scraps that their dad was throwing away & built this little thing.

It holds 3 chairs in it & a table & is pretty dang nice.... I'd escape in there for sure.

They ended up getting a real tent for their birthday later in the evening so I don't know if they'll take this down & replace it - or just add on ... a double decker sort of project. No telling what these girls come up with.
They had birthday cake the week before at their birthday party & with Madi now learning to control her sugar intake, they opted for pumpkin pie to celebrate their day.
These are my kinda gals. I always said that pie wins over cake any day! Especially when it has Redi-Whip on it...
except when your mom squirts it in your mouth & sorta misses....
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Madi is so over my hijinks |
I got home Friday & Ricky had just gotten home - thanks to a flat tire on his way home. (Always something happening - right?) ... & he needed me to go through some tax papers that we had filed away. I told him to hold on just for a second....
..... & then next thing I know - I woke up like 12 hours later....
What just happened?

I must have literally passed out.
Ricky woke me up on Saturday & said, "Do you realize you just slept for over 12 hours?" ... & I sit up & see I'm in in exactly everything I had on Friday... my jeans, my sweater, my hair, my make up.... I WAS OUT.
Think my body just said, "I'm done - we're taking a break"?
Ricky had an appointment at the bank early on Saturday & I was supposed to go but bless his heart - he told me to just stay at home & wait in case he didn't make it back in time for the guys to deliver our washing machine 2.0 ... our 2nd chance at trying a washing machine that didn't leak.
I had intentions to start on my to-do-list... which was a doozy... but instead, took the time to make a cup of coffee & work on my Bible Journal #priorities
Ricky ended up making it home with 10 minutes to spare before the washing machine guys came with our new sparkly washer... & it WORKED! FINALLY!.... the mound of clothing can start shrinking!!!!
But I didn't have time to start on laundry because I had to get to Downtown for a Senior Session. I always say that Seniors are my favorite session to do because they live in a world of getting their pictures taken & they are always so flexible with direction & up for anything.
This guy was just simply gorgeous... like top model gorgeous. He has the jaw line, the smolder. I kept telling him I was going to call him Flynn because he had the long messy hair & he could pull the smolder off like no other...

... & I was happy that he went to my alma mater... Male Bulldogs! My first Senior from my old school. Made me like this kid even more.
The weather was perfect for the session too. I couldn't have asked for a better day...
Saturday night did have me start on washing clothes, getting caught up on some editing & Ricky & I excited that Arrow & The Flash has started back! Bring on all the SUPER HEROES!!!!
Sunday found us missing our trip to Panera for breakfast... sad face....but didn't have us missing out on our church time with our friends at the home church we have been doing.
We ended up playing a game that we had to write down 2 truths & 1 lie & then we all turned them in. The game was to guess who was whose & THEN guess the lie. I'll have you know that neither Ricky nor I got each other's right. I guess after 23 years together, you still learn things about people.... or I just really suck at this game #truth
We had to jet out quick because I had to get downtown - again - for what I had been looking forward to for MONTHS since I wrote it down on my calendar. IRONMAN SUNDAY!!!!
I just love the energy of Ironman... love being able to work with the athletes. It's the best. Ricky was going to help volunteer but poor guy works too hard Monday - Friday & said he didn't want to stand on his feet for 6 hours & do a lot of bending & squatting... I don't blame him... so he dropped me off & headed home.... while I headed to the volunteer tent, getting my shirt & waiting for instruction.
They messed up the time for the volunteers to get there so we were basically there an hour ahead of time but it worked out well because we got to talk to everyone on our team for a bit & learn all about them... I met the coolest people... & felt kinda out of place when they were all talking about their MANY marathons they ran & their Ironman's they finished... I'm like, "I'm a measly half marathon gal"... hang head in shame. It is what it is... They were inspiring though. I left with a inner fire warming up thinking about doing a full marathon by the time I'm 50.... who knows...
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Hello winner! ... see that guy squatting getting the timing chip off?...that's what I did for 4 hours... my quads are KILLING me today!!!! |
But it was such fun to be in the energy of the finish line. Especially when the winner crossed & came right by us & I got to pat him on his back & tell him congratulations. One of our team even got her picture taken with him... he was such a kind gentleman. As most of the athletes are. ... I'll probably do a whole post on this over at my running blog (link at the top)....
It was such a great time... & yes, I cried at the finish line a few times at the reunions with family, from the emotion some of the athletes had on their face... it's just magical there. Next year, I'm registering early so I can be a "catcher"... take them from the finish line all the way through the process of the shoot - one on one conversations, contact with these people. I cant wait till next year... already on my calendar!
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Finally making it home at 9pm ... another weekend done! Harvey happy to see his momma! |
I ended up just watching the Walking Dead... & then couldn't handle it anymore... I had to turn on the live feed & laid in bed & watched the finish line up till 11:30... drifting asleep to the words, "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN"... gives me the good feels every time I hear it...
& I went to bed with that in my head... & maybe another new flame in my heart....Anything is possible, right? At least in my dreams.
How was your weekend?
Did you have good weather?
Ever been to an Ironman competition?
Must have been so nice to get that laundry done!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteyou sound like me! i was feeling sleepy and made some coffee. sat on the couch and then passed out. never drank the coffee, lol.
ReplyDeleteYour weekends always make me tired just reading about them! The Iron Man volunteer experience sounds so cool :) They really are amazing athletes.
ReplyDelete12 hours? That sounds A-mazing!!!
ReplyDeletePlease do a full post! I want to hear ALL of it! I would be crying too! You are really making me want to done now :)
Sounds like such an emotional experience, so glad you got to be there, sounds unforgettable! :)
ReplyDeleteWell I'm glad your body made you rest! You just seem to go & go! I can only imagine the energy at the Ironman!! It would probably motivate me to go out and do SOMETHING! Trish - tales from trish
ReplyDelete12 hours of sleep sounds fabulous!!! I didn't really get around to my to-do list this wekend. It happens!
ReplyDeleteSo awesome that you volunteered for the Ironman! We had one here in Chattanooga just a few weeks ago and I loved reading all of the stories and seeing pics. One of my best friend's husband completed it! :)
ReplyDeleteYour body must've needed that sleep! I was like that last night. I don't think I moved all night!
ReplyDeleteYou packed it in this weekend! I've been a sideliner in the NYC Marathon. I think it's awesome to cheer people on that way. I also teared up and outright cried a few times so I get how you were feeling at the finish line! LOL
No wonder you passed out fir 12 hours! Just reading about your weekwnds wear me out.
ReplyDeleteHave to laugh at the Prince Charles photo, that would be me too! Love the girls tent. Pumpkin pie sounds perfect. Wishing Madi all the best with controlling her sugars. Yes with that flat tire....it is always something and all we can do is be thankful that is wasn't something worse.....AMEN! Wow you really needed some rest. You are so busy all the time. It is hot here...99 degrees today.
ReplyDelete12 hours?? I need that too♥♥ I hope you have a great week♥♥
ReplyDeleteGuess you needed the rest! Yeah for finally being able to get all your laundry done! I always cry watching the Kona Ironman, they tell everyone's story the pros and the regular triathlete, being a former triathlete it impresses me and humbles me.
ReplyDeleteA marathon by the time your 50? Do it!! If I can, you surely can. I seriously doubt any of those volunteers we're thinking you were measly because you've 'only' ran a half marathon. That's a lot more than most people do! So glad you have a washer that works now!