1 - Wed / Amazed to hear Texas is taking one step closer to being Gilead #HandmaidsTaleReality
2 - Thurs / Ida rains have came up & sharing the rain with us now #PrayersforLouisana
3 - Fri / It was such a beautiful evening, I went for a nice evening walk while Hubby had an appointment #gorgeousweekendstart
4 - Sat / It feels like Fall & I'm here for it #allthereadingoutside
5 - Sun / Cleaning the house & pulled my back all over again!!!! #HOW? #WHY? #OUCH!!!!!
6 - Mon / Took Ozzie over to see my mom while we did the horses #HappyLaborDay
7 - Tues / HAIR DAY!!!! #mygraywasglowing
8 - Wed / I have done it again - pulled a muscle so bad I'm pretty sure it may be torn. #Cantwalk #cantliftleg #fallingapart
9 - Thurs / OH MY GOSH - THIS LEG PAIN!!!!! #cantwalk
10 - Fri / I'm on crutches & now Hubby is fearful I'm going to break something else because I'm not graceful at all on these things #hesnotwrong
11 - Sat / I should be shooting a wedding today with my cousin but instead, I'm laying outside in a chair with my leg up all day having a pity party #gettingoldisnotfortheweak
12 - Sun / I honestly was near tears when Djokovic lost the Grand Slam in the men's finals of the US Open. #whenNovakcriesIcry
13 - Mon / Came home to find Hubby had cleaned out the front garage & it looks so organized & straight #LetsSeehowLongItLasts
14 - Tues / Today's Ozzie destruction was a plastic coat hanger tore up in tiny little sharp pieces all over the house #wearingsocksforawhile #likesand #keepsshowingup
15 - Wed / I'm in the middle of two great books right now & am loving I'm on a good reading streak #allthegoodbooks
16 - Thurs / After being awake all night long with leg pain, I barely made it through the day on less than 3 hours sleep #THEPAIN #THEMISERY
17 - Fri / I could not have a better day off work in my life after yesterday #restalldaylong
18 - Sat / Finished a book that left me honestly gasping & having to recover. #SOGOOD #RockPaperScissors #Bookofthemonth
19 - Sun / Storms coming in giving all the Fall feels #bringiton
20 - Mon / We have a new Team member at work starting with us today #welcomewelcome
21 - Tues / What a jab & slap to the face when other people get credit for a project you've worked on for months & those people have never done one bit of work on it #WTH #fuming
22 - Wed / So I feel into another trap & bought yet ANOTHER planner to try out for the beginning of 2022 #givemeALLtheplanners
23 - Thurs / Finally after all the rain, it feels like Fall & I'm here for it #GORGEOUSDAY
24 - Fri / ....ANDDDD my brother now has COVID #itsgonnageteveryone
25 - Sat / My brother had to go get the antibody treatment & ended up getting it at the same place I get my iron infusions #thefamilythatgetsinfusionstogether
26 - Sun / I could care less about any award shows but give me the Tony's every time! #Jazzhands #hereforit #MoulinRouge
27 - Mon / I love cool days when I get to go love on the horses #justbeautiful
28 - Tues / I tried McDonalds new Pumpkin Iced coffee & I didnt mind it one bit #notTOOpumpkiny #subtle
29 - Wed / Ozzie was one happy pup when my coworker made a fun little toy for him to play with #hewasallaboutit
![]() |
All the dogs wanted to get it |
30 - Thurs / Knowing it was a long weekend ahead, I was ready to run out of work.#morelikelimp #legstillhurts
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