Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thankful Thursday #330


OK - confession time.... I was totally going to do a post this week & then yesterday was so busy. Like, when I had a moment to stop for a minute, I just wanted to close my eyes & breath...

Plus, I had to make sure to have everything done by 8pm because priorities - Real Housewives of Beverly Hill Reunion going down! Whoo hoo... HAHA How sad is that.  But that's the truth.  I never got to do a post.  But hey, that's life. & I got my little bit of daily Housewives drama in.

I cant believe its going to be dragged out over 4 weeks though... geez.

I get it, not everyone watches the Real Housewives.  For me, if its not a book, its these crazy ladies & their crazy responses that give me escape from the crazy world.

But anyways, here's a quick list

This week I am Thankful for:

Survived Traffic
If you know me well, you know I dont do well with traffic. We are having major construction with the bridge getting me from Kentucky to Indiana daily shut down to one lane.  I try to take other ways home to make it easier even if its longer - I cant do that stop & go motion.  But one day, it got me. I was in traffic for over an hour.  I thought I was going to lose my mind. I have totally convinced myself if I end up in Hell - its just going to be eternity in a traffic jam. When I finally got off the expressway, I pulled into a parking lot & just walked around for a few minutes to breath fresh air.  The nausea is so intense with that stop & go motion for me... MISERABLE.  But I survived. I think that getting out really helped me get a break to get all the way home (I still had another 15 minute drive from there). I really do feel like this was an accomplishment.

ThredUp Goody Box
I only got one blouse out of my box this time around but I always just enjoy clothes being shipped to me so I can try them on in the comfort of home.  Plus, they give you styles I would never try on on my own.  I mean, they sent me some faux leather pants.... I was THIS close to keeping them.  Except 1. they were a little too short & 2. Where in the world am I wearing faux leather pants?

Neighbor Birthday
I was so happy that we found out our neighbor had come home to celebrate her birthday with her family. She turned 85 this week! & she's giving cancer a run for its money with the battle she's putting up! She's been staying at her son's home during her treatments so we've missed seeing her walking every day - YES, she would walk every day. No wonder she's so awesome at 85 years old!  When we got invited to come down & see her, we jumped to it. Glad to give her a hug & let her know we're still praying for her & giving her some encouragement. Plus, we just love that whole family anyways - they are really just the kindness people you could ever want to meet.

Hello Fresh
Well... I'm thankful for it NOW. I just signed up. I get my first box on Monday. I used to do another food delivery service & I really enjoyed the idea of it. I forget the name of the one I used... Blue something... anyways - it was always very complicated recipes though. The prep time took forever & that sort of defeated the purpose.  I keep seeing this has "Quick & Easy" options so I'm giving it a try.  if anything - to get new meal ideas. I'm in such a rut.  Everything just feels like its on repeat.  So I'm excited to give something new a try.

Joining up again with the lovely ladies who are all about spreading joy & smiles - Leslie at Once Upon a time & Happily Ever After & the beautiful Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness ... be sure to stop by & give them a visit!

Tell me something good about your week!!!

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