Wow - its 4 weeks ago today Steph left us. Sometimes it feels like forever & other days it feels like yesterday. I did the other day what everyone said I would do....in the mail came a new knitting magazine that I just subscribed to. When I pulled it out of the box, the first thing that popped in my mind, "Alright, new patterns, I have to call Steph & tell her it came in" - man, that stopped me right in my tracks. I just wanted to throw the magazine away after that. Ricky did the same thing, wanting to call Steph when he saw John Elway on a TV show. (Steph ADORED her Bronco's!) Life is not the same without her! I so wish I saved a message on my answering machine just so I could hear her voice every day! I'm so mad I deleted them. You dont realize how significant little things can mean until its too late.
Me & Nina were talking the other night & we were laughing that Steph couldnt be bothered with knitting magazines or John Elway news because she was too busy walking & talking with Jesus! Oh, what a image! I can just picture her laughing with Jesus & the conversations they must be having! 

Jack went out to dinner with us this past weekend & he was telling us how we were the "Fantastic Four". We had so much fun together over the years! Vacations, concerts, dinners, family gatherings, just hanging out, game nights.....oh the memories. Praise the Lord that we have memories to carry us through the rough moments! So many wonderful memories - nothing can ever replace that.
I miss you dear friend!
I know that this was really tough on you. The "I have to share" moments are the worst...but the fact that you had someone to share with for such a long time is a great thing...something to be cherished!I am so proud of you...