Monday, June 11, 2007

Who knew...

Who knew a 25 cent ball could be so much fun?

Me and Lindsay went into Old Navy while Ricky had to run in Best Buy. We were dress shopping and found the machine that had little bouncy balls for a quarter. Now, these werent the average bouncy balls - they were pretty large - meaning better change of grabbing it when you bounce it. We each pulled out 2 quarters and got 2 each - with me knowing I'd have to give one of mine up to my husband. We couldnt stop bouncing them! Even in line waiting to check out - we had contests of bouncing both at the same time. A little girl in line stared at us in amazement. I wanted to tell her - "they're only a quarter". We caught up with Ricky who immediately asked where his was at - hence, giving up one of mine (ahh, that's love) and the 3 of us were bouncing our way through Best Buy and the parking lot to the car.

Later, at the evening Thrive service at church - how ironic is this - the stage was decorated in balls with a lesson about a man and his son wanting a ball and not being able to have it. There was the 3 of us sitting in the back pew bouncing and throwing our balls the whole time. THEN, during the music, Lindsay dropped hers and it rolled under the pews. The next few scenes were something out of "I LOVE LUCY"! We were under the pews with a cell phone for light trying to find this ball. I have to admit - I have not laughed that hard in the past few months! I had tears running down my face and my stomach hurt - the best kind of laughter there is! On a side note - we did get the ball back! And the best note of all - at the end of the service, they threw BALLS OUT TO EVERYONE!!!

Who knew 25 cents could provide so much entertainment!?


  1. Hooray for bouncy balls! To address the comment of knitting on toothpicks, I think the average toothpick is 2.25mm (a US1) so even toothpicks won't help me!
    I actually tried on the 1-inch strip of sock and I think the zeros are going to do it for me. :)

    Have a great week!

  2. Okay... so now I find out you are a blogger?! Ah... the things one learns when skimming anoendoerr!!! And the image... you guys with your bouncy are just a hoot! I think that if I were to just follow you around with a camera, I might be able to win $10,000!!!! And yes... of course I would share!!! Love you!!!

  3. I wish I had seen you all doing that at Thrive!! I guess it was good for you all that it was dark in there! ha!


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