Unbelievable - the baby is now out of high school! It really choked me up sitting there watching her in her cap and gown getting her diploma. It just seems like yesterday we saw Alaina walk that same stage - but the BABY - WOW - it goes so fast! I dont know why I was so emotional - maybe because the air conditioning was broke in there and it was a 90 degree day (UGG) - maybe because I was going on 2 1/2 hours sleep from the lock-in the night before and that made me, as Ricky says, "moody" - (no comment) - but mostly because I just cant believe the kids are all grown up. At dinner, Alaina and Lindsay were sitting across from us and I told them, I look at them and see 2 little girls with pigtails sitting there. I can remember Alaina not wanting to be "girly" and there she was in a dress, make up, jewelry, looking like the top model. I remember Lindsay being the prissy little one who could never make a decision - and there she sat as beautiful as ever in her dress, ready to face the world on her own - even if it is a little scary to her. At this point, I guess all you can do it let them know you love them and pray even harder for them as they get deeper into life on their own.
What I dont understand - I haven't aged a day through all this! (I dont want to EVEN hear comments on that!)
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