Can you believe this! Xanadu on Broadway! I have to tell you - I was obsessed as a child with this movie! It involved Olivia Newton-John and my other passion - skating- what could be better. Just give me some barretts with ribbons braided through them, and life was good! I use to sit with a tape recorder up to the TV and tape the songs and sing them OVER AND OVER - ask my brother - it would drive him insane! Then the cassette came out - and hello, now I'm in my 30's and technology is so great - Yes, I have the CD in my car right now. Now, It's on Broadway - who would have ever thought that was possible! I have to get to New York because I have a feeling, this isn't going to be going on a National Tour! It's just hilarious someone else besides me even liked this movie! And Yes, my big brother was tramatized by this - he just gave me the DVD a few years ago - he can't shake this movie from his brain!
If you're not familiar - I do know there are clips on You Tube!
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