*The problem with our country & the health insurance crisis is just getting worse & sadder every day!
*Sometimes it feels like the rain is never going to stop!
*Brown must have been the color of the day when women had to wear Biblical garb! (Thanks again Lynn for my costume - its great!)

*I thought I was awesome at Guitar Hero - UNTIL I moved up to "Hard" - (that darn orange button!)
*I wish "grown ups" had Spring Break at their jobs too! I wanna go to Florida with everyone else! UGH!
*Fight back ugliness & bitterness with Goodness & Kindness!
*Snow on Easter just doesn't seem right! (That seriously was the BIGGES
T snow flakes I have ever seen in my life!)

*You never know when you need a Bible! Sitting in the parking lot of Dairy Queen for an hour can bring about great topcis of God!
*Ricky-ism: When it snows & the sun is shining - you need to keep an eye out for the Snow-bow (not a rainbow .... oh, how his mind works!)
*Everytime I hear the song "Never Thought" by Dan Hill - it takes me right back to my wedding - that was our first dance song.
(OHHH - look what I just found - I went on You Tube to try & find the video for "Never Thought" & what did I see right on the front page? A video with that song & clips from BEAUTY & THE BEAST - THE TV SERIES!!!!!! Isn't that funny! If you've never saw that show - its, of course, one of my all time favorites! It was fantastic! And I love - his name is Vincent - hello! HOLLA! Who did I meet years later - a man who's name is VINCENT? I can't help it - I'm a hopeless romantic!)
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