Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Its Friday...Fragging time...

I'm a little on the bummed side today.  I should be on my way, or already in Disney World right now.  The Disney Princess Half Marathon is tomorrow.  That is my dream race... I want so badly to run in a tiara & tutu with Disney characters all around me.  Come on - even if you arent a runner, doesnt that sound like fun?  So I'm having a small pity party today & keeping hope that next year will be the year I make it to the Disney Finish Line!!!


One thing that made me excited this week... BEAUTY & THE BEAST!!! It seems to be everywhere!  First the 3D release at theaters - the Belle on "Once Upon a Time" - now, I just read that ABC & The CW each have a show based around Beauty & The Beast!!! ... be still my heart.... They said that ABC's version will be more fantasy (ala "Once upon a time") where The CW's will be like the old TV show with Vincent & Katherine.  The show that I still watch over & over on my VHS tapes.  Its true.  My DVR will be full from recording & saving all these episodes.

Doesnt the Beast look kinda like my husband?  Long red hair?  Furrowed brow?  And hello?  VINCENT as his name?  ... & you wonder how he stole my heart?  Think we just found the answer! :)
Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest


Weirdness!!!! .... so at the neurologist, they took blood to do some tests.  It hurt like a SON OF A GUN!!!  It felt like the needle was huge!  This whole week, my arm has been killing me to even touch around my elbow. Yes, its bruised to every shade of purple, blue & green.  But the other night when I was in the shower, I noticed how my arm was hurting so bad on the outside of my elbow... guess what?  There's a bruise there!!! On the exact opposite side from where the needle went IN my arm.  Its like the needle poked all the way through my arm!!! What the heck was that nurse doing?  I've never seen (or felt) anything like it...


I was raised Baptist.  We never did the whole Lent thing.  We had Holy Week, but nothing to give up during the 40 days before Easter.  Now, I feel weird when I keep seeing everyone talking about what they're giving up & asking me what I'm giving up.  I need a witty remark when people ask... like "I'm giving up giving up stuff"? 


We're getting an early wake up call in the morning at my house.  And I will be so glad to wake up.  We're getting a NEW REFRIGERATOR delivered tomorrow!! YEEE HAAA!!! We actually bought it on Black Friday - in November!  Yes - November!  But they sold so many they it had to be back ordered.  And now, finally, 3 months later, we're getting it!  Its a stainless steel, double door, freezer on the bottom beauty!  I'm just excited to have a frig with an ice & water dispenser on the front.  I've never had that in my life.  Its the small things that make me happy...


I want to go see "The Lorax" so badly... Being a nature loving, green freak, I think I'm gonna love this...

That Dr. Suess... he was a pretty smart dude, wasnt he?  Such deep thoughts...


Spat of the Week:  Trying to Kill each other? .... So you may have read where the neurologist asked me if my husband may be poisoning me... & then you may have read where Ricky almost choked to death on a Twix bar driving home.  If you havent read these things, then where have you been?

Anyways, for Valentines Day, I got Ricky a bunch of candy.  That little fella can eat the chocolate & loose weight from all the movement of his jaw (How unfair is life? I gain weight from giving him candy)  But in the cute little Valentine box of chocolate I got him were mini Twix bars.  I mean MINI... like you could swallow them like a vitamin.  But Ricky opened them up & looked at them, then looked at me, then looked at them & looked at me.  Then he said, "I KNEW IT!  You're trying to kill me"  I just laughed... he was more on the serious side.  And do you know, the box of chocolate is STILL sitting in the cabinet - untouched.  Now you have to know my husband can inject chocolate in his veins - he loves it that much.  But yet, he still wont touch the chocolate I got him.  He really thinks I'm trying to kill him...

If he doesnt touch it by this weekend - I'm eating all the chocolate... & then I'll gain 5 lbs & then there will REALLY be a spat happening!


Speaking of killing, here's your "Thought of the day"

Hope you all have a Fantastic Friday!!!


  1. I just LOVE your thought of the day! My grands LOVE Capri Suns, and I either have to have my 10 y.o. grandson get the straw in or else I cut the top and pour them into cups! ha!

    I want a new refrigerator! We had to buy a new one when we bought this house, and at that time (3 years ago - when you could barely find any refrigerators with freezers on the bottom), the only refrigerator that would fit in the space we had was a boring side-by-side. Now I see all kinds of refrigerators with french doors and 2 drawer freezers - that will fit in our space. I want one!!!! Of course, I want a new (dual-fuel) stove, too! But since everything is just 3 years old, I will have to wait. (Is it wrong to wish for one of our appliances to go out???? If we had to replace one, I could make a case for replacing them all.)

  2. We had to get a new fridge when we moved to our house (it was the one appliance not provided by the landlord). Unfortunately we're poor & it wasn't set up for water or anything so we just got a standard smallish fridge. BUT we do have a small deep freeze in the garage.

    I LOVE that Ricky won't eat the twix bars - you'll just have to eat them & show him that they're ok (but be careful, ok?).

  3. Congrats on getting a new fridge. Awesome.

    I so wish you could run that race and that I could be your personal cheerleader. Talk about fun!!

    The spat is rather funny! And I love the thought of the day. I had to go pin that on Pinterest so I wouldn't loose it.

    Yes, I think your husband does look like the beast in that version. I loved that show.

  4. You are such a bright spot in my day...SERIOUSLY! Everything you write makes me laugh or smile! Girl...I have no doubt that you'll make that Disney marathon next year! I'd probably be a little like Ricky, I must admit...however, NOTHING comes betweeen me and my Twix!

  5. Absolutely loved your post :) Love the Lorax quote as well as the last one. Glad to know I'm not the only one who had major issues with that ;)

    Congrats on finally getting your fridge! =) And I hope you get to eat that chocolate haha because chocolate is just that awesome =D

  6. The Lorax is my favorite Seuss book, and as you know, I'm worried it will get ruined by a longer retelling.

    The message might be lost. Oh well, that's Hollywood.

    I was Catholic until 18, and now when I listen to friends stating, "I'm giving up chocolate," or "I'm giving up soda," for Lent, I wonder how that small sacrifice compares to His big one. People have tried to explain it, but it just isn't clear to me. So you're not alone.

    Then I've had people say they choose to grow closer to God during Lent, but that's something I pray daily to do.

    Lent just leaves me cornfused.

  7. Dr. Seuss was a man with a vision before his time. A true genius.

  8. Hahhahha!!! That last quote about Capri Sun - - - - soooooooo true!!

  9. We don't observe Lent, either. Isn't that a Catholic thing? I've found that many of the people who I know that observe Lent are doing it out a sense of obligation or because it's the "thing" to do. Not everyone, but many people.

  10. I think you should have your own Disney Princess Run. The characters just wouldn't be running around you, but you could pretend.


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