Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link up #20}

Thankful Thursday

“Real life isn’t always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgement of what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties.” — Sarah Ban Breathnach
This week I am Thankful For:

... my uncle was diagnosed last September with pancreatic cancer... this past week, he got news that he is in remission!  YAHOOO!!!!!  So excited for him to get a break from chemo & to enjoy life a little bit more!

... having a safe trip to & from Nashville.  We didn't even have to stop in the construction areas!  That's a huge blessing.  Me in stopped cars on the expressway is not a pretty picture.

... Luke's graduation being on a Saturday!!!  Whoever planned that, I applaud.

... that the boys love their Pappy so much.  They really just can't enough of him.

... How much Luke looks .... & acts... like Ricky. I told Ricky he couldn't have had a son who was more like him if he tried.  That he has a grandson that is an exact version of him is just the coolest.

... getting to spend time with Julie talking while we went on a walk.

... Harvey Dent was ok for his first time that we left him overnight.  We were a nervous wreck.

... Iced Coffee for nights when I need to stay up late.

... For memories of my sweet friend even after she's been gone for 8 years now.

Miss you every day friend

... Getting hospital bills paid off from when I had to go to the ER in December.  I loathe bills.

... had a $7.00 off coupon at the grocery.  I actually walked out only spending $71.00 after coupons & discounts. I NEVER get out under $100.00!  I felt like I was strutting out of the store!

... Harvey did so good at the vet this week.  He was so good with people in the waiting room & he listened so good when he was told to sit & stay.  I was so proud of our big boy.  (He's totally OK - he just had to go for a follow up for shots & to have his paw looked at where he's been licking the fur off of it)

isn't he so handsome?!?!?!

... Harvey's new harness (You can kinda see it in the picture - the black in that white fur on his chest)... I can finally take him somewhere myself. He's so strong & a handful on my own... but with this new harness, I'm all good.

... a husband who works so hard every day

.... funny things. I just love to laugh. Makes life so much brighter.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. remission! That is SO awesome! PRAISE Jesus!

  2. Harvey is very handsome!!
    Praising God for your Uncle's remission....


  3. Hooray for your Uncle's remission! That is so cool about Luke too, a mini me of Ricky.

  4. Have I told you l love that your dog's name is Harvey Dent? Also, great news about your uncle! Here's to many more healthy years!

  5. Such great news about your uncle!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Harvey is so cute! How old is he now? We've just started to leave Brady out when we leave the house for short trips - never over an hour yet but he's doing great! Hope I didn't just jinx myself haha. And YAY for your uncle!! Such great news!

  7. Hooking up late...

    That is a HUGE thank you for your uncle's news!
    Glad you found a way to handle Harvey and that he was a good boy overnight.
    Coupons....they make you feel like Superwoman!

  8. I'm so behind but what wonderful news to hear about your uncle! So much to be thankful for :)


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