Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

It was a lonely drive into work this morning - the roads are so bare except for me & my dear husband. Which brings to mind - HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY! It's Ricky's birthday! A Christmas Eve birthday. He always tells me - yeah, me & Jesus, we're close - we're born around the same time! This is the first time in his LIFE he's ever had to work on Christmas Eve (his birthday) & since he took this new job, he gets to actually get out of bed at 5:30 AM with me. You would have thought he was 10 years old & had to go to school on Christmas morning. I was laughing at him all morning long as he was getting ready. ...."I cant believe I have to work today!"...."It should be like a National Holiday".....I told him it was time he grew up. Poor guy! I think he'll survive. I'll have him some Birthday cake ready for him when he gets home!

Yesterday, at church, we heard the message about the perspective of Christmas through Mary's eyes. It was really good (as all the messages are) but something really touched me. This time of year, the first Christmas without my friend, our pastor said something that really hit me. He brought up the point when Mary was done talking with the angel & learned she was going to have a baby (Can you imagine?) she went to be with Elizabeth - to find support - to have someone tells her words of wisdom to help her through this amazing & miraculous time! At the end of that part, the words were said, "I hope you have an Elizabeth there for you" - smack! A big reminder at this season that my "Elizabeth" has gone to be with Jesus himself. I know we have our spouse's for support & words - but there is just nothing like a friend who is seperate - who can relate to you in a whole different way.

It's weird not having Steph around for this Christmas season. But I see so many people, especially in our church family, who you can see has their "Elizabeth's" - friends that are inseperable. It makes me smile - & I want to tell them to be sure to enjoy that friendship each day. Enjoy the company, the wisdom you can share with each other, & especially enjoy the laughter & joy you bring to each other. You never know when it'll be gone. The gift of a true friendship is one of the best gift's you'll ever have.

Another part of the message that I really enjoyed was the point that Mary was probably only around 13 years old when all of this happened to her. I got to spent the second part of church with the girls in the Junior High - which most are around that age. We took time to talk about the Christmas story & how they would feel if an Angel of the Lord came & appeared to you with this news & what they thought about being married & being pregnant at their age would be like. Their views were great - eye opening, interesting, & of course, filled with moments that made us all laugh! It's always great to see things through the eyes of girls from age 10-14 - I can't get enough of them - they all each touch my heart!

Tonight will be our candlelight service at church too. I always love that time - it's late, you're tired, but you just hear the message about our Savior being born & seeing the light's glow in the church with church family surrounding you - its wonderful! Looking forward to it - even though I'll have to sit next to a sleepy grump who I'm sure will still be complaining he couldn't believe he had to work today. (Love you Birthday boy!)

Merry Christmas to all - enjoy your family, friends & the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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