Thursday, December 13, 2007

What Christmas is all about

"Does anyone know what Christmas is all about" - that's the first thing in this video you hear Charlie Brown scream! It seems like so many have forgotten what the Holiday represents & that's so sad. I love that this cartoon has brought Jesus into it - remind everyone why we celebrate! Quoting scripture at that! What a great man Charles Schultz must have been to intentionally put the name of Christ in his work! Have you heard the controversy that they want to ban this cartoon now because it does state the name of Christ the Savior? What a crazy world we live in now! Something so beautiful - such a sweet reminder - such a feeling of being a child watching this with a great meaning - & they want to take it off! I was so sad when I heard that. Hopefully Charlie Brown will prevail - more importantly, I want the reason of Christmas & the celebration of Jesus's birth to prevail!

1 comment:

  1. This is my FAVORITE Christmas show! I love the way Linus reads the Christmas story and so plainly says, that's what Christmas is about. Love it!


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