Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Hitting that snooze....

I have a deep & serious & personal relationship happening...

... with my snooze button.

I love that big button on my clock.  You know the one.  The one you can find in the darkest of dark.  The one that your hand knows how to hit perfectly at the slightest sound of the worst beep you could possibly hear.

I will fall over every little thing on the floor - even a sock - if I have to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but let that beep happen & I become a ninja & hone my skills to focus on hitting that button.

Like I said, its a deep & serious & personal relationship...

So I was a little shocked when I heard on the news last week that hitting the snooze button is not good for you.

There's an actual explanation to it...

Something about how it interrupts your natural sleep & ends up making you more tired... blah blah blah...

But I thought, OK, let's see how this works.

My alarm clock is set for 5:30 - which is when I really should get up. I have to leave the house at 6:30.  An hour. OK... but that deep & serious & personal relationship calls my name & I hit the snooze till usually 5:50 & then I'm spending 40 minutes of running around.

But after hearing how its not good for you, I let the alarm go off & I just hit OFF.  No snooze button. I'm sure that long button was wondering why I missed it.  But I just hit off, turned on the TV - which gives Harvey Dent the cue to jump in bed & throw his whole body around my face... there's your wake up call.

But I found I actually wasn't tired.  I got up, got moving.  & then I had extra time to get ready.  Time to love on Sydney.  Time to get my iced coffee ready without me screaming, "I'm going to late again"...

& honestly, I felt a little refreshed.  Seriously?  It worked... it's true?
& I did it a few days in a row... & every day was a actually OK...

Look at that!

I thought about how many times I hit a SNOOZE button in my life too...

Things I put off.
Things I think, "I'll get to it later"

We all have those list of things...

It can be something simple to the complex.

Cleaning my house
Doing that pile of laundry
Organizing my junk drawer
Working out
Changing my diet
Cleaning off some time on my schedule
Going to visit a friend
Making an apology for something I messed up on
Accepting an apology from someone who hurt me
Going where God is calling me to
Stepping out to do what God is wanting me to do

See - simple to complex

We put off so many things in life. 

... & in the end, I guess all this still applies... it's not good for you.

We're talking about a series with our Youth Kiddos about MOVING ... how God calls us to MOVE in our lives... & all of this is what made me think of that stupid snooze button.

Is God setting off alarms in our lives & we once again hit that button telling Him we'll eventually get to it?

I think He wants us to move in so many areas that we just put on a back burner...

I hope there is something that is nagging you today that you keep saying, "Give me another 10 minutes... 10 days... 10 years..." & you're hearing God tell you to stop hitting it... MOVE!!!!


  1. I've never been a "snooze" person but my husband... he's the worst! I guess by default I've been forced into one because if he has to wake up before me, you can bet his six alarms are waking me up every 8 minutes!

  2. What you shared this morning couldn't have described me any better. I hit the 'snooze' button in so many aspects of my life lately...trying to convince myself that what needs to be addressed today can surely be put off until tomorrow...or the day after that. I'm so grateful for that little voice God has placed inside of me that reminds me "Today is THE day" to move mountains! And I know that as long as He's on my side, there "Ain't no mountain high enough" that I can't conquer!

  3. I'm not a snoozer at all - after I hear that noise I can't even dream of going back to sleep!! But you're so right - if you get up right away you are much more apt to just get right to it!

  4. I can relate...when working outside the home I would hit that snooze a good 4 times...and even then often fall back asleep after I hit off. Finally my supervisor suggested I move it across the room so I had to get up. That helped a lot, though I can remember running to it hitting snooze and running back tot he bed :-(
    Now I have You are my Sunshine play on my phone, such a pleasant way to wake...
    Great analogy by the way with God trying to move us!! Got me thinking.....

  5. This is such a great metaphor for life and really got me thinking. I don't hit the snooze button, though i wish I did, because I tend to just turn the alarm off-- or it will go off forever before it wakes me up!

  6. I never hit the snooze button on an alarm clock but I do it everyday with other things which I find very interesting. Okay, I'm going to take your advice and try really hard to MOVE!!!


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