Long weekends, what a way to get thrown off.... but oh, how I love them. I actually love them so much, I'm still going on it. Yep, I'm off work today... I'm taking the long weekend to extreme. Thank you Jesus.
But here's a look back on the Labor Day weekend.
Friday, I was determined to try knitting... left handed! I'm a pro at knitting right handed - just can't anymore with my stupid bicep tendon. The pain is ridiculous... but I've been doing the knitting loom left handed & its working... so why not knit left handed? I pulled up some YouTube videos, which teach me basically how to do everything in life, & thought, OK, its what I know, just backwards -how hard can it be? OH MY GOSH... I think my brain was going to explode. It was so confusing....
I'm slow at it, which I was when I learned to knit right handed... & I knit tight, which I did when I learned to knit right handed... so this has possibilities... That's exciting to me.
Ricky's not that excited that I want to go back to yarn stores again.
Saturday morning found me cleaning as much as I can.
Why is it you can clean part of a house & literally 24 hours, it looks like you haven't touched it in weeks? #frustrating
In the afternoon, Ricky asked if I wanted to go to the movies. He has a thing about making sure he sees every Marvel movie in theaters on the big screen & time was running out on Guardians of the Galaxy. I personally thought it looked stupid & I had no interest whatsoever. But friends at church said it was really good so I thought I would give it a try... & hey, it would get me to stop cleaning.
The only one we could make was a 3D movie, which GEEZ... the price of 3D movies are CRAZYYYYYYY.... but man, I'm so glad we saw it in that version.
There were only us in the theater, a man with his 3 sons & another older couple... that was it. Well, this movie is pretty funny... & I'm a LOUD LAUGHER... so needless to say, when something funny happened (a lot) - my laugh was the only one you ever heard. Ricky just shook his head half of the time. I can't help it. My theory in life is, if its funny, you laugh... loud.
I also cried... like had to wipe tears away cry... the movie has it all. Even a great 80's soundtrack!
Go see it...
I want to use my knitting skills to make a baby Groot now! |
We literally ran out in the rain right after the rain to get up to church where they were doing a concert to raise food for our local food pantries. We ended up making it just about 20 minutes late. Pretty good for us.
Sunday had me at a photo session with two gorgeous people.... I had never done a couple's senior session. I had met this young man at a family session almost a year before & loved that his mom got in touch with me to do his senior pictures... & then his girlfriend came along. She is just stunning. It actually worked out really well because as one was changing outfits, we would take pictures of the other person. And then we got quite a few of 'couples' pictures. I am so in love with these pictures as I'm working on them.

It turned out really well too because it was called for scattered showers & it was looking pretty dicey at times, but it ended up being really nice - a cool breeze, which is a break from the awful heat we've had - & by the end, the skies were turning blue! High fiving Jesus again for a beautiful session.
I left & Ricky called me saying he was at Verizon. WHAT? Is it possible? A NEW PHONE???? ... well, Ricky has been a stick in the mud for a few MONTHS about getting a new phone. Mine just randomly dies, takes forever to turn on, drops calls - its ridiculous. But nope, he didn't want new phones. THEN, he came from work last week with a brand new spanking Galaxy S5. SAY WHAT?!?!? .... well, needless to say, he saw how old our phones really are when compared to a new one & he said it was time for us to upgrade. Really?
Let me tell you - getting a new phone from one company to another is stupid. Just stupid. We have been at T-Mobile for over 18 years & they wouldn't do any sort of deal for us on a new phone & just no appreciation for being with them for so long. So we went to Verizon & then trying to cancel with T-Mobile was a joke. Well, we literally haven't canceled yet so we can't use our Verizon phones yet. T-Mobile was going to charge us $150.00 to cancel, though we've been out of contract with them FOREVER.... they were coming up with all sorts of stupid things.

We had the Verizon sales guy call back, acting like Ricky, & guess what, we are in a no-coverage zone - which I think every spot in the USA is a no-coverage zone with T-Mobile... & we are able to cancel free because of the law on that. YAHOO!!! BUT, its going to take about a few days to get it all straightened out.
I said buying a new phone is like buying a new car.
But in a few weeks, I can use my own Galaxy S5... & feel like I'm part of the updated world.
Monday found Ricky & I having an Arrow marathon, getting all caught up for the new season. We watched 12 episodes.... I think I may have even dreamed I shot arrows last night.
& we ran out for lunch & stopped in Kohl's because it was the last day for a $10.00 off coupon... & guess what I used mine on...
Ricky kept trying to talk me out of it saying I'll never use it... I told him to take his 589th shirt he was buying & shove it, I was getting a veggetti. It was so funny because every woman in line with me & the cashier was saying that they wanted to try it.... #womenunite I would just look at Ricky & smirk when they would say something.
I'm anxious to try it... it's gotta be good just to make me win in the marriage argument of life...
So here we are... through with a long weekend... through with a long post..
How was your long weekend?
I want the veggit!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey have you ever tried or considered trying essential oils for your bicep tendonitis? I have carpal tunnel to the point of needing surgery and I have been using lemongrass now for 4 months...seriously no more carpal tunnel. I researched yours (your welcome. ha!) and they say lemongrass is good for the inflammation causing your pain. Anyway, just thought I'd ask!
enjoy your phone!!!
I cant even tell you how badly I want a Veggetti and a new phone!! And you have both - lucky duck :)
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a Veggetti, I'm intrigued haha. We've been wanting to see that movie, but have still yet to make it! Glad you liked it, I heard it's great!
ReplyDeleteThat veggetti looks awesome!! That might be on my list now! So neat. Have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteVeggie thing looks awesome...I need..ok Ricky, I want one :-)
ReplyDeleteRicky me Bob....oh never mind.
Sound like a great weekend. Thought of you when I finished my book...really would love for you to read it and rate it :-) Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler....I loved it! Therefore Rebecca Jo I think you will too!
suppose to read "Ricky meet Bob"
ReplyDeletePeace out..
I want a Veggetti, too! What a cool gadget! Oh, I knew your moment would arrive with getting a new phone...super stoked for ya!
ReplyDelete3D movies are CRAZY expensive, right?! The last one I saw was Wizard of Oz with my Mom... but that was definitely worth it!
ReplyDeleteBe sure to report back on how the Veggetti works, ok?
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new phone! I got my first Android phone in April after having Windows for years and I am still in love with it!
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of a vegetti before this post but now I need one. Seriously.