I am one happy girl. Half blind girl... but a happy girl.

Of course, my weekend was swamped & busy & I was running around from the minute I walked out of my office on Friday until late on Sunday night because.... hello... Walking Dead. Got home late after a friend had a Walking Dead watch party. We knew we were going to need each other for this.....
An even better reason to love vacation - sleeping in.
But anyways - back to what I was getting at....
Friday, after lunch at work, I started having some weird stuff happen to my eyes. I was having these flashes. & then spots. Like legit spots... EVERYWHERE. I told Ricky it was like someone took a picture & took a Sharpie & just went to town dabbing dots all over it - that's what I was seeing - out of my right eye. It was literally making me freak out.
I then started getting like tunnel vision. The side of my eye was getting darker & darker & then my full eye was getting cloudy & I couldnt focus on anything.
Yep... full fledge panic attack at that point.
Except I had a photo session to do Friday night. Had to reel it in.
& luckily, it was with people I love. Cousins from Ricky's side. I just love this family & these kids. It made it easier when I walked in their house & I told her, "OK, I'm blind in one eye... let's do this"
if anything, I'm honest.
The session was quick & easy & painless... even with one eye.. & a dog in the family pictures....
& then I had to drive home & it was getting dark out ... & I could see NOTHING out of that eye.
I was talking to Ricky the whole way home & when I walked in the door, I seriously said, I'm done ... I got in bed - with my clothes on & everything.
When people say they can't ADULT ... that's exactly what this looks like. Crawling in the bed with socks & shoes on & turning off all the nights & just giving up on life.
I ended up going to sleep about 8pm... & I kept waking up throughout the night & I refused to open my bad eye. I just kept saying, "When the sun comes up, its going to be OK. I'll open my eye then"
... except it wasn't.
Ricky had to go to work on Saturday & before he left, he made me open it & nope - everything was still cloudy & foggy.
So I waited for eye doctors to open & see if I could get in.
Once I told them the situation, they got me in immediately.
It freaked me out when the eye doctor pulled up the pictures they took from behind the eye & was like, "OHHHH YEAHHHH"... ohhhhh LAAAWWDDDD is what I was thinking.
Ends up, it is a posterior vitreous detachment which sounds horrible, right?
But really, not that all uncommon.
Its basically where you get those floaters across your eyes ... & the older you get, the more you get them.
But, he said that mine was the worst he has ever seen. OF COURSE IT IS!! He even said he's read about it in books but never saw someone actually this happen too.

... see that big black part at the bottom - he said he's never seen it all gather in one place like that... & apparently its stretching over a longer area than normal. He was amazed how far out it went - it actually went further than this picture that the doctor took with my phone after I was like, "Can I take a picture to show my husband?" ... he said that where its at, its apparently in some position that is clouding my vision, hence the foggy eye I have.
He told me that it would eventually heal up - in about 2-3 weeks. Please Lord, let it be more on the 2 weeks side. I have a wedding in 2 weeks. But I made him tell me 4 times that it would heal up. That it wasn't going to stay this way forever. He assured me it would & I asked him if I could hug him because I was sure I was having a stroke & was going to die any minute.
Dramatic much?... nah....
I did end up walking out with a new pair of glasses too - bifocals... geez... so at least I made that trip a productive trip.
& my eye is still a mess. Cloudy. Looks like bugs are flying all around me.
& I had another photo session on Sunday with that. At least I know I've got this wedding under control even if it doesnt heal up totally in 2 weeks.
I tell you what... it is always something, right?
& he did tell me that since I had it in one eye, its possible & probable that its going to happen in the other eye....
OH LAWWWWDDD again. I told him to bite his tongue.
& then I wanted to ask him if he was related to the lady who called me out as a 70 year old woman last weekend, because he told me this usually happens to people over 50.
Where's my AARP card?
So ... oh yeah, I never blogged about this... I had another crown pop off last week... yeahhhhhh.... & now, I'm blind in one eye. & I just got a pair of bifocals....
I'm starting to look like a hot mess over here.
... but I'm on vacation!!!!!
I'll take it.
How was your weekend?
Have you ever had weird eye stuff happen?
How cute are those kids in that picture!!!!!
The kids are precious and that's a great shot! Yes, I have floaters all the time and they make me nuts. None that have caused fogginess though. I'm a bunch of years older than you. I posted my weekend recap today. Nothing exciting. Enjoy your week!!
ReplyDeleteyikes!! glad you were able to see a doc but what caused it? does it just happen? hope it heals up fast.
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed that you managed photo shoots with your eye difficulty! That sucks you have to deal with this during your vacation but fingers crossed it clears up quickly :)
ReplyDeleteOh no! I hope the rest of your vacation goes much better. That eye situation is pretty scary!
ReplyDeleteYou're just not having the luck recently. So glad you're on vacation & not trying to stare at a computer with one eye. The good news is, you really only need the one to take pictures, I think?
ReplyDeleteOh Lord, any type of blurred vision freaks me out. How scary. One of my BFFs had her retina detach over a year ago and it still freaks me out. Hope you are healed super quickly!
ReplyDeleteWow! You deserve to treat yo'self this week after all that! But nothing that will damage teeth or eyes. I'm so dependent on my sight - I know everyone is, but with a bit of a hearing impairment, I would totally be a wreck if something happened to my eyes. Does this thing fix itself on its own or do you have to take drops or something?
ReplyDeleteBless your heart! I would have been a hot mess too, as eyesight is such a precious thing. Hope everything heals up quickly for you and try to enjoy your vacation!
ReplyDeleteOh, your poor eye!!! Girl, you eyes and teeth need to get with the program and shape up! I would have been in full on panic mode though and totally quit adulting when I got home as well. At least that picture above you took turned out awesome!!! Hope you heal up quick!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, Rebecca, that sounds so scary! I'm glad it will heal in two to four weeks, though It's still a long time to wait! Hope you are enjoying your vacation!
ReplyDeleteYou eye situations sounds so scary. Glad that it will heal on its own. Take care and relax! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteWow! What a weekend! I'm glad your eye situation will heal itself, although I would have made the doctor swear in his blood. LOL! Just kidding, I think. So dumb Tanya story. I recently had a huge allergy attack and dry eyes. So I got eye drops that had this funky cap that was getting in my way and not working at all. If anything my eyes hurt worse. So I complained (whined) to my parents and after a few seconds of silence, my Dad asked if I was sure I got eye drops. I was all defensive and irritated because I'm not a moron. So I grabbed the bottle to read the label to them and it was eye contact solution. Yup, moron. :) So at least you didn't cause your eye problems! I love the photo you shared. So beautiful! Hopefully, the rest of your vacation is a bit more relaxing and your eye recovers super fast.
ReplyDeleteOh nooo! Eye problems are horrifying. I would have freaked the heck out as well. I'm so glad it's going to get better! I hope you recover asap and in the mean time, rock the pirate look for sure :)
ReplyDeleteOH man, you cannot catch a health break! So I'm reading your symptoms and in my head I'm like this is EXACTLY what my eye doctor told me to call him immediately and come in right away if any of those symptoms happen! Glad that it will go away, but man that is annoying.
ReplyDeleteOh no! First the tooth and now the eye! Well I'm so glad and relieved to hear it'll heal soon. Enjoy your vacation and try to relax if you can. :) The picture of the kids you took is beautiful. At least you can still take great shots right now... plus side!
ReplyDeleteThis same eye issue is happening with my dad. He's 91 and he was seeing 'worms' crawl across his eye and come to find out it's Vitreous Hemorrhage and he can see it bleed. Eeww!! Anyway, they said they'll just watch it for a few weeks because it should heal on it's own! These human bodies are amazing things! I'll pray you are completely healed within 2 weeks! Oh, and Happy Vacation!
ReplyDeleteHugs! I hope that your eye feels very fast. And thank you for sharing the symptoms, in case this ever happens to me. I would be freaking out.
ReplyDeleteOh Rebecca!! Bless your heart! I guess it's a good thing you're on vacay this week, but that's also a crappy way to spend it! I'll be praying it heals quickly and the other eye does NOT get it!!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you are okay and I am so sorry. I too went to the eye doctor on Friday. No fun, that is for sure. It's time for you to be ALL better
ReplyDeleteI know this is not a funny thing to happen to you. Not at all. But, the way that you tell it just has me giggling. Finding the humor in things is important, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThat cat meme is the absolute best... Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteGirl- so much nasty stuff happens to you! Between family members being down and out & tooth issues & now this! I swear I pray for ya- maybe I'm secretly jinxing you! Goodness! I'm glad it's only temporary and it'll heal, though! That's always a welcomed diagnoses.
Try to enough that vacation- you deserve it!
You are a rockstar! I can't imagine having to work through something like that & still manage to get amazing shots! Praying it clears up quickly for you & you enjoy all of your time off this week!
ReplyDeleteWow, that happened to my co-worker. Glad to hear that you are doing ok. Eye issues can be so scary. Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, this is very, very close to what I've had this year and had to have surgery for in March. Isn't it so scary when you start to lose your vision? I remember, we were walking around Disney World at night, and every time I turned my head, there would be a vertical flash of light. The floaters are the worst, though - swatting at bugs that aren't there - Mike thought I was nuts ;) I hope you are able to heal quickly, enjoy your week, and don't need surgery. xoxo
ReplyDeleteMeg, Borrowed Heaven
Oh my gosh...I'm laughing so hard right now. Girl, you take everything that comes at you with such humor. I should be half as good as that. I have to admit your story kind of scares me. I haven't had this happen yet, but I do know I have floaters...I just can't see them except when I'm lying face up in the pool...kind of being a big floater myself. lol Welcome to bifocals and you should be getting that AARP invite pretty soon. Mine started coming several years before I hit 50. :P
ReplyDeleteWow so scary!! I would have just gone straight to the hospital - the heck with that emergency room copay!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the "Death Where is thy Sting" picture - hilarious!
oh my word, you poor thing. i get spots in my vision but i am not sure if it is the same thing. but that's so scary. hope it heals super fast! and i hope you enjoy your vacation :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh how scary I can't believe you actually did a photo shoot with your eye acting the way it was! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteSounds super scary to me too. I'd have needed a paper bag to breathe into. I'm glad its not something more serious and hope you're recovering well now.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh that is so scary! So impressed with the shot (and many others I'm sure) you were able to get with only one good eye - such a testament to your talent! I hope you enjoy your vacation despite your eye troubles and that it heals quickly!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness lady! Take care of yourself!! That sounds AWFUL. But I am glad you are still enjoying your vacation and shooting photos. Darling family in the pictures by the way. I would freak out if they said that to me. Here's some wisdom from my family, "you're not old until you're 100" - so you've got some time! :P XO - Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
Dang girl. I can't believe that happened. When we were going on that trip to OK that never happened due to the weather, I had something similar for 2 hours at the airport. I got scared, googled it and was worried. But it eventually went away. So crazy that it happened. I hope your eye heals quickly!
ReplyDeleteGoodness! You just can't catch a break! I've had floaters in my eyes for a few years now. One time, it looked just like a bird so I seriously thought I kept seeing a bird flying around me! Ha! Hope it's healed up nicely!