Thursday, July 19, 2018

Cake on a stick, family & surprises {Thankful Thursday #180}

Image result for knit by gods hand thankful thursday

This week I am Thankful For:

Cake Pops
OK - how have I never had a cake pop from Starbucks before? I decided to try one & my world has been changed - my eyes have been open to the amazing creation of cake on a stick.

Time with Timmie
I'm so grateful for the time we got to spend with my uncle before he passed at his house.  Me & Ricky, mom, Tony & his gang went out there on the 4th of July & had lunch over there & just got to talk to him one last time, going through pictures, telling stories.  Just so unbelievable he's gone.

The twins with Timmie's granddaughter

Thoughtful husband
I only drink sparkling seltzer water (& of course regular water) but when I run out of my cans of water, I get a little anxious.  So how cute was it when I ran out & I picked some up on the way home, only to find that Ricky knew I was out & stopped & picked me up 2 cases too. Ahhh..... so sweet.

Deaf dogs
I guess the only good thing about dogs getting older & loosing their hearing?  The 4th of July doesnt bother them anymore.  Zoe & Bruno are usually the most afraid dogs of anything noisy - like thunder & especially fireworks.  Both of them slept like a baby & never flinched one time with fireworks popping all around us.  .... Ernie? A whole other story. It was his first go at it though so I'm sure he thought the world was exploding.

Surprise Book
This came in the mail to me from a precious friend.  Such a surprise. It didnt have a note in it & I was like, Who in the world sent this?  It was funny because she had also sent me a card that said, "you'll be getting something in the mail soon from me" - but that card came the day after the book did, so I was clueless.  But it all got straightened out & I'm so thankful for my God family that is just always the best at encouraging me & praying for me.

4th of July celebration ... on the 7th
It was really nice to have everyone over to mom & dad's for the annual 4th of July celebration.  So grateful for laughs & distraction on what could have been a really sad day.

So not only did I get surprised by one friend earlier in the week, I got another surprise from my beautiful blog friend.Alexandra.  This bracelet is BEAUTIFUL!!!! & the words that came with it, even talks of "knit" together.... I seriously teared up. Those words hit my heart something fierce.  I have said it before & will continue saying it - I am so blessed to have the most incredible people in my world - people I have had my arms around to hug in real life & people that I have wrapped my heart around that I've never seen their face in person.  All of the relationships are special to me.  The blogging world is just an incredible place to meet the most amazing people. 

Oh mercy... these words get me every time

What are you thankful for this week?

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