The Holidays are the time I never get to read with all the hub-bub & business... so instead of posting my one sad pitiful book I read this past month, I'm going to add it to my next month's book post....
& because I totally missed the link up where everyone posts their favorite books of 2019, I'm going to just jump into that.
I'm usually a step behind when it comes to books... that's OK - as I always say - better late than never.
So here's my Top books of 2019

I was rooting for Margaret & wanted this woman to get her Happily Ever After ending so badly after the hand she was dealt. I appreciated the story of recovery she went through & just loved the romance story of it all. It just felt real & hot too corny.
I actually had a hard time picking this book verses the other Katherine center book I read... they equally were wonderful
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BONUS... call it 5B |

I loved this author's books in the series, The Selection, & I had seen this book for the longest time but just never got around to reading it. I was so enchanted by the lure of it all.
A little mix of mystical lore, romance, life struggle.
I really did enjoy it.

This one just charmed me.
The character who loves books, planners & had red hair
... yeah, I was down to see where this story went.

I haven't had a book in the longest time that made me seriously laugh...
like gut laugh. Like, want to just read this book straight through because it just made me so happy.
I will forever be a Class Mom fan & will keep an eye out for more books in this series because I never want to let these characters go.

Yes, I know I'm 48 years old & I picked a book that is intended for young kids.
But it gave me all the Harry Potter magic feels & I just am totally wrapped up in it.
I wish it would get more reconigization because it so deserves it.
Tell me what you picked as your favorite 2019 book!
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