Thursday, December 01, 2022

Hi, its me! I'm the problem, its me!

 Lookie here who is posting! Its a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

I really do miss blogging... & then I dont. But I do. Isn't that weird? I know bloggers will understand it.

But I really have missed all my blogging friends & check in often & really stay caught up on IG.

I miss documenting my life more than anything... mainly for me.

& where did we leave off last? Oh yeah! Good MRI results. & I think I made a comment about how horrible it would be to have two bad arms at the same time.

JOKES ON ME! SO FUNNYYYYYYY....because it was literally that same week, I've pulled my rotator cuff tendon in my other arm because I've ben overcompensating & feeling like, "I can still do everything - no problem. Look at me! I'm Super Woman!".... yeah. Not so much. 

I was helping Ricky push something, using the one arm (how dumb as I?) & yepppp.... Pain - instant pain!

So yes - I now have two bad arms. 

Can I tell you how horrible life has been with this! & the frozen shoulder in my bad arm is flaring up big time lately too. I dont know if things are "unfreezing" & that's the pain. But in the morning when I wake up, I literally cant move my right arm & it takes like an hour to get it movable. It's a different kind of pain during the day now. I can do things a little bit better, but I'm still limited. I mean - they told me it would be a year to 3 years (!!!!) & its just about 11 months - so long road ahead. But I'm over it. So totally over it.

I'm basically just falling apart.

But anyhoo.... Happy December!

Let's do a quick recap of what's going on lately in better news:

.... we got a new living room set up.  Our first sectional. I'm not sure how I feel about it. When we got it in the house, I cried. Totally cried. Hated it. Told Ricky I want them to take it back!  But its growing on me. It just takes up a LOT of space in our living room.  & nothing matches with all of our old decor.  I bought new curtains to hang - & I need new pictures.  But we got a new rug that is beautiful with it & I think in the end, I'll get used to it.- guess I really dont have a choice, do I?

 One thing you should know about me as an Enneagram 6 - I HATE change. Dont do well with it at all - & this is big time change.  Maybe that has something to do with it.  ... I'll post pictures when I get my living room finished with new curtains & pictures & all the pretty stuff.


... I had to have another MRI - on my head. Nearly a year after my mini-stroke, I finally got in with a neurologist & can i say, this m an was MADE to be a doctor. He sat in the room with me for an HOUR & 25 MINUTES! No joke! I didnt know doctors did that! But he was so kind & reassuring & just gave all the attention to me.  I'm still having headaches & I've been dealing with Vertigo since September (that's been a nightmare) so he sent me for an MRI that showed a little more than when I was in the hospital. 

Call me MRI queen! First with my shoulder & then with my head. Bringing back all the tanning booth feels of the 90's!

But, everything looked OK. There were some finding in there but he said that can be found with people with migraines. Yep - apparently, I'm a migraine person now. Never had migraines in my life until the past year.  I guess I can thank perimenopause/menopause for that too. Gah!


... I've been having to go to Physical therapy for vertigo! Did you know that was a thing?  They basically do the thing you see on  YouTube videos where they lay you upside down on a table & move your head around. 

My vertigo has been so bad, when I lay down- or back - my eyes even jiggle back & forth. I have gotten spouts of vertigo through the years but they usually last like 24-48 hours & then I'm fine. Having vertigo for months... not so fine.  

It gets worse when I lean over - which is basically every minute of my day at home with picking up Zoe to take outside - or loading the dishwasher - or picking up laundry - or doing basically ALL the household chores. Seriously - pay attention to how often you lean over in a day - you'll be amazed.

It also gets bad when I lean my head back. So washing your hair & getting soap out? Yep - spring on the vertigo. & do you really want to spin around when you're naked & wet on slippery surfaces?

... welcome to my life...


On a good note - I'm still loving my planners & all things stickers. 

...I started a Bookstagram account on Instagram if you want to follow for my reviews & latest reads - Right HERE at RebeccaJoReads

... I redid my home office & am loving it! (maybe I dont mind SOME change) - I need to take some pictures of it.

....& I've been thinking about my future with blogging.

I know I've said it before - but having the time away, I really do think I'm going to be doing blogging differently. 

I know we've had that discussion before - where blogging has taken a turn where its almost "influencer driven" & I just am not about that. I've been blogging too long to monetize my blog to anything fancy spancy.

& I cant deal with the stress of keeping up on link ups & the latest hot topic posts... not to say I'm shunning everything - but honestly - I think my blog is going back to the basics. Total bear bone basics. Just day by day things.   

You may find a book review on a given day.
You may hear my thoughts on a news or entertainment topic
You may find just a picture of my day, or of my dogs or of whatever amused me for the day... a BeReal of blogs! (anyone on BeReal?)
... & I'm going to share what I buy on a consistent basis. Instead of doing a monthly Amazon post - because COME ON - Amazon LIVES at my house & I can never keep up with all the purchases - I may just do posts weekly, if not daily, on what I buy.

All that to say - CHANGES... changes have been happening to me - they're going to change on my blog. Hope all my blog friends stick around - because I miss you! & hopefully, I'll meet more too!

Happy December - let's finish this year & look forward to a new year!

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