Happy Monday... we're at the big week... Christmas is 6 days away!!!
I'm excited because I've been setting up my planners for 2023 & one more week down means I'm closer to using them. I have priorities in my life.
How did my weekend go....
Family time... We get to celebrate Christmas with my in-laws on Saturday. Always so fun to catch up, chat, eat & play games. It actually was perfect Christmas weather - cold & we had snow flurries at our house as we were packing up the car. Ricky kept singing "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas..." on the ride.
... which, its very possible in our area - we have snow in our forecast for the Christmas weekend. It is the one time of the year, I'll allow the cold & snow.
My sister in law does all the cooking for the holidays (so impressive) but this year, she changed up her menu & did so many soups & chilis. Crock pots EVERYWHERE! & it was AMAZING. Everyone was going back & trying all the different soups. & bless my SIL's heart. She made 2 different salads for different tastes... & she made a veggie chili & veggie vegetable soup for me & also a different soup for my nephew. How thoughtful is that? No wonder there were 8 different crock pots!!!
& even better - there was so much left over, we all got to take some home! The best gift of all!
My SIL is so good at all the details too... had out cheese, sour cream, even fritos & cheeto's to put in your soup. Which what? Cheeto's? I saw my BIL put it in his chili & I had to stop a second... but it sort of make sense, doesnt it? Cheese... cracker... kinda mix them both & you get cheeto's. I didnt try it but I am intrigued.
But look at the little cracker basket in the middle of the table too! So cute! ,,, I was way too enchanted with this cracker basket. Not to say my love of carbs is extreme but... yeah.
& her tree every year is so beautiful.
A Vincent Christmas isn't complete without a game... bring out the competition.
This year, we played Family Feud & I got to be the host. Or as some called me, "Rebecca Harvey" LOL! The girls won the first round - the guys won the second round. EVERYONE is a winner.
Nails... I got these on Black Friday from my friend that sells Color Street. I just love these things. So easy to create a fun look on your nails. I actually found I have another set of Holiday nails from last year. I also bought another Christmas set for this year - so my nails are set for Christmas this year & for the next few, that's for sure!
If you're looking for a Color Street Rep - click HERE for my friend who does it because she loves the product herself!
Burning down the house... Sunday night, Ricky was hungry & I had an extra Hello Fresh meal I didnt make during the week. Tangy Buffalo Cauliflower Tacos... YUM
Ricky said he thought something was wrong because he was in the back of the house & Ernie ran back there &jumped up & started licking his face. He doesnt typically do that - but he was totally trying to get Ricky's attention. & that's when the fire alarm went off.
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