Well, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving - kicking off the official start of the Holiday season!
This weekend is exactly why I realize why I like to put my tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving - so I dont have to worry about it during the 4 day weekend that is full of activity. Can sit back & enjoy all the Christmas glow watching Santa come down the road in a parade.
* I did my usual Thanksgiving morning activity - pumpkin pies! I love baking them while watching the parade - plus the smell in my home is just an added bonus. MMMM.... Delish. My pies turned out a little too "pumpkin pie spicy" - but balance it out with whip cream & perfect!
* I waited the full parade just to see Cher. MY LORD - how does this woman do it? I mean, we know she's had face lifts - but still, that she's 77 & looks like she does? She has made some sort of deal in exchange for her soul, hasn't she? Only answer it can be. .... I loved the parade though. Was totally confused if that was Peter Centera when Chicago was singing on the float... I still dont know the answer to that.
* I went over to my brother & SIL's & they had a house full! I didnt even take one picture - except when BEREAL came up & I snapped one of my niece. I snipped out my pic because it was HORRENDOUS of me - but it was REAL, that's for sure... but this was it - the only picture I got. At least its of a cutie!
It was such a beautiful day too - cool, but my brother & my other niece ended up sitting outside with the house being full - the cool air felt wonderful to me & it was just fun chatting with the 3 of us.
* My mom came & had a good time too. We always joke that we spend our Thanksgiving in the ER because we had like a 3 year stint where mom ended up there each year. Our yearly tradition - but the past 2 years, yahoo - I think she's broken the jinx. She was able to catch up with my SIL's grandmother - those two just love to sit & chat the night away. Glad to see mom enjoying herself.
* No more 3am wake up calls for us - we woke up around 7:30 & eased into the morning. We went to our local little restaurant & had breakfast (they have the BEST breakfast). We hit the primo time too because when we got there, I said, Oh, its not busy. But we went in, got a seat & BLINK, the place was packed & the line was going out the door. We slid in just in time. Love that!
* We went out to do some shopping ... for nothing special. Just like to see what sales are out there. The winners of the day were probably the dogs. I came home with lots of treats & toys & beds for them.
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Of course, Black Friday isn't Black Friday without a Starbucks stop |
* I tried to get into Bath & Body Works.... mmmph... forget that. The line was down the mall - literally. They had a stopping point I guess to prevent the store from being over capacity & no thank you. This is why I on line shop.
* We went to a few stores that had some ridiculous lines & by 4, I was like, I'm done "peopling" - I just wanted to get away from crowds. We picked up some food & came home & turned on some Christmas movies & then I'm back in my happy place. I finished this book too - Meh. Its holiday themed but it involves the girl's brother dying & no... I dont want any heart wrenching sadness in my Christmas books please. I need Hallmark feels!
* I got so hooked on the game show Squid Game now out on Netflix. WOWWWWW... its so intriguing! If you ever watched the series, then you have to watch the game they have created out of it. It's really an interesting social experiment if you ask me. I cant wait to see the rest of it. I thought the whole thing was out so made myself stay up well after midnight to finish & then saw that there's still more episodes that dont come out till Wednesday.
* I was so confused what day it was from the moment I woke up. I kept thinking it was Sunday all morning long. See what 4 day weekends can do to a brain?
* We had to run down to the store to get another dog bed because our little Zoe peed in her bed over night. She is the dog who would drag herself out the door - & HAS - so she doesnt mess in the house. I guess her bladder is like, OK, I'm 18 years old now - I give up.... we also picked her up some doggie diapers. We haven't put them on her yet because I know she's going to pitch a fit... we're going to have to do it in slow bits so she gets used to them.
* I didnt want to be out in the crowds again for long so after our early morning dog bed dash, we picked up some Starbucks, hit Target & then came home. A nice & relaxing afternoon - & an extra day since it was only SATURDAY
* Again, the only pic I got for the day was my BEREAL.... I guess its handy for something
* UGH ... what a dreary, nasty, cold, rainy day.... that is the whole day in a nutshell
* I watched Love at First Sight when I got up & it was just the cutest little movie. I love fast little rom-coms that aren't too complicated.
* Sunday was my BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY TOO!!!!!! Happy Birthday Brother!!!
* I ran over to mom's & we ran to the store to just pick up a few things & that was the highlight of my day. Came home & finished Lessons in Chemistry - again, just all thumbs up - such a good rendition of the book. Did some laundry, cleaning, washing of the hair - you know, good ole get ready for another week stuff....
So how was your Thanksgiving?
Did you go Black Friday shopping?
Do you love rom-coms?
Are you messed up on your days after a 4 day weekend?
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