Friday, October 03, 2008

1 year old!!!!

I can't believe it - the cutest grandbaby in the world (a little biased?) is one year old today!!! Time flies! It feels like yesterday he came into this world - with the early appearance that he made! And now, a whole year has gone by.

It breaks my heart at times like this that we are so far away from him - but I'm holding onto the fact that he's going to be up here in a few weeks (actually less than two weeks from today). Julie, Steve & Isaac are coming up & we're going down to Gatlinburg to enjoy the Fall weather for awhile & Ricky keeps reminding me that although I dont get to be with Isaac on his birthday, I'll get him for a few days all to ourselves. Looking so forward to that! Julie said he's into EVERYTHING now! He can get around now by crawling & it wont be long before he's walking! He'll be something for Ricky to keep up with too - as hyper as Ricky is!!!

So Happy Birthday to our little Texan! Nanny & Pappy can't wait to get our hands on you!!!

(Here's Isaac when he made his early entrance in the world - poor baby went through alot!)

Look at him now!!! Look at those teeth poking out too! I love Julie's face right behind him too - what a good mommy!

And look at that grin - he's definitely his Pappy's grandbaby - ready to get into trouble at all times!


  1. Awww...what a cutie!!! You need to eat some cake in his honor!

  2. Oh wow - that last picture is SOOOO Ricky!

  3. What a precious little boy!

  4. Oh he is such a cutie!!! (o: That age is so fun.

  5. What a cute little guy! Have fun with him when they come to visit!

  6. Awww, your post made me cry!! I can't believe it's been a year. My baby is growing up!

  7. Ahh Happy Birthday, he's adorable! Our little guy had to be in the NICU with lots of tubes, tough to see them like that, but he looks like a happy boy too!

  8. How precious and what a little miracle! How wonderful that you are going to Gatlinburg! What a perfect time of the year to be there -so beautiful! Enjoy the little guy all to yourselves and take plenty of pictures.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments on Emma's birthday. Looks like "Noctober" is a big birthday month for both of our families!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh, What a cutie!

    I got my background from I went there first to see what colors I should use when making my header.. then I went to I used one of their templates but you can start with a blank page. I saved it as a jpeg and there you have it.. It took me about an hour but now that I have the hang of it.. I don't think it would take that long anymore.. I hope that helps..

  10. OMGosh he is precious-Happy birthday to the lil tyke!

    I am also stoppin by to say the SSS list is up to 58-WOW I know-if you havent been by in a while please stop in and check out the list-names will be emailed after the 16th


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