Tuesday, October 28, 2008


AAAHHH - look what I just got.....what a sweet hubby! (Sorry pics not great - phone camera)


  1. Oh how beautiful!! What a nice surprise!!!

  2. Beautiful! So sweet of him!

  3. Very nice........congrats on your 13 years~!! I thank God every day for my husband. This world is so hard on marriages. Each day I am more and more appreciative of my marriage that God gave me!

  4. Ahhh...he did a good job! Your engagement story is so awesome!!! What a special guy you have :)

  5. They are beautiful! I LOVE yellow roses!

    What a sweet hubby!

  6. Those are beautiful roses - what a great hubby!

    I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by on my SITS day - I'll be back soon :)

  7. Happy anniversary. Yellow roses are my favourite flower.

  8. SO beautiful!!!! (o: Isn't getting flowers from your hubby the best?!


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